Jim Walter Homes

Construction & Repair

Remember... Jim Walter Homes bought, Nutherland, Dream Homes. It is the same company. What a joke they send a representative of Nutherland to help you. He was representing Jim Walter Homes CO. Fishy isn't but I am sure you felt you received better service. Sorry to deflate your ballon.

Company: Jim Walter Homes
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: No City
Address: Tempa
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Jim Walter Homes
Jim Walter Homes Lost Sale based on Your complaints

Jim Walter Homes
Insurance Scam Rip Off

Jim Walter Homes

Jim Walter Homes - MidState
Ripoff started off with lies

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Jim Walter Homes
Signed contract in still no house

Jim Walter Homes
Defective homes

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Home Division Spinoff from Jim Walters Industries is planned — Bankruptcy Next? Tampa / Ft. Myers

Jim Walter Homes
Did not finish house on time

Jim Walter Homes - Aka Mid State Homes
JIM WALTER HOMES AKA MID STATE HOMES ripoff business from hell ripoff liars victimized us