Everlife Flash Light
Kept charging me over and over for more orders that i did not authorize

Construction & Repair

I placed an order online for the flafh light. Over 1 month later I recieved my order. Then a little over a month after that I notice the exact same charge has been taken out of my bank account again. So I try to call... For days... And nights!

In the middle of the day you get a repetative recording and nothing else.in the middle of the night you get music and nothing else.

So, I call my bank and they give me my money back, try to reach the company while I am on hold and get nowhere. They start an investigation. Four days later a package arrives from the company with a flashlight in it! I call the bank back to let them know and they tell me to be sure and return it to them as soon as possible so that they cannot claim that they were in the right when they charged me again even though i did not place the second order. Some sort of "loop hole" they can claim as long as i have the order in my possesion. So, It will go back in the mail tomorrow with some kind of verification of delivery! Will let you know if they do it again.

Might have to cancel my card and get a new one just to stop them from repeatedly sending and charging me for more flashlights. One way I have found to avoid this is that now some distributors carry the flashlight through their catalog so you can order from them and be done with it and not have to deal directly with the Everlife people.

Company: Everlife Flash Light
Country: USA
State: Maine
City: Marlboro
Address: Crickett Productions, 225 Cedar Hill Street, 3rd Floor
Phone: 5084493375
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Everlife Flashlight
Beware no customer service at all takes forever to get flashlight. Ripoff

EverLife Flashlight - Farraday Flashlight - Cricket Productions
Misrepresented flashlight, it's effective beam strength, is not even the same flashlight shown or demonstrated on TV or online. Ripoff

Cricket Productions
Ripoff dishonest billing

Cricket Productions, Inc. - Farady Light
I cannot believe I bought these two flashlights! I cannot see anything with the big flashlight and the little one does not even turn on!

LED Outfitters
Sold me a junk light ba

Cricket Productions, Faraday Flashlight, Advanced Results Marketing
Ripoff dishonest scam

Slim Clip
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Suds And Light
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