Slim Clip a ripoff

Internet & Web is running a $10 plus S/H deal for 3 clips and 3 flashlight key chains on its website. EXCEPT it does not itemize all the charges and does not let buyers review and confirm the totals before the order is finalized. I just found out that my total was $23.98 for what I believed would be $16.99! I believe is charging $10, and $6.99 S (P)/H twice though they will be shipped in one package.

It is not a lot of money but I do not like the practice.

I called the customer service number provided on the site and the lady, sounding like having been taking a nap and not happy with my wanting to cancel the order, told me it was another customer service number I needed to call. And it would take 2 days for the order to reach the customer service. Starting to feel suspicious, I asked what if they told me it was too late to cancel when their order database got updated. She said "maybe".

It sounds like a ripoff. I am thinking of complaining to BBB if I can't cancel my order tomorrow, either by email or phone call.

Company: Slim Clip
Country: USA
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Slim Clip
I placed an order for the slim clip deal - 3 for 14.99 s/h. I was billed $74.95

Slim Clip
Rip-Off Slim (Shady) Clip Tries to Rip Off Consumers Parsippany, New Jersey

Bendaroos - Merchant Media
Online order that didn't allow opportunity to review order Cannot contact to cancel orde

Beware when Ordering!
Total Scam, Fraudulent Advertising, Total Rip-Off, No chance to review or cancel your order, Way Overcharge

Eagle Eye/Fosdick Corp. Patch Perfect
Website gave no chance to review order and authorize charge, so charge ended up 4X what it should be!

Forever Lazy
Doubled order & quadrupled shipping

Consumer Report

Customer is never right - Oakley Enduring Pace