Singer Lazer Storm
Wind Storm - Igia RIPOFF As-seen-on-TV fraudulent overcharges, misrepresentative TV ad, circular customer service, labyrynthine telephony script

Construction & Repair

I responded to a TV infommercial promotiong the Singer Lazer Storm vacuum, purportedly available for about $59 pllus some acessories for another $19.99 or so. I called the 800# shown on the promo and entered a ver6y complicated telephony script during which I kept being offered more attachments, filters and random associated stuff.

I kept tryingt o reach a live person or somehow get out of the call loop without success. When I finalized my order I THOUGHT I had ordered one unit and accessories at the price on the ad and a second set for $1.00 additional plus shipping. But I could not get a confirmation of my order or tis amoutn. A few days later $413.70 was taken from my VISA accoutn and persistent calls to recah a live customer service person finally told me (in very broken English) that my order "for FOUR vacuum cleaners" had already shipped.

There is no way in the world I would have ordered four. I had already decided it had been impetuous and silly to ave ordered two (even for the extra dollar) and I fully intended to return the spare. Now I'm being billed for THREE EXTRA that I do not want and did not order. Only one vacuum has been received. My written order to CANCEL the entire shipment (to their email address) has been ignored. This is clearly a planned scheme and I am very upset. Had Singer not been such a trusted, conservative name, I would never have taken this risk without further research.

Company: Singer Lazer Storm
Country: USA
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