Blue Haven Pools
Ripoff, Construction Creeps!

Construction & Repair

Blue Haven Pools will promise you the world and tell you that they have 50 years of experience building pools. What they wont tell you is that you are just a number to them and they have no respect for you.

Where do I start? Here is the jist...
1. They make mistakes in construction, take weeks to come look at the problem and then tell you that there is no mistake when it is blatantly obvious by looking at the pool and the plans.

2. Do not expect a phone call back within a timely manner. It usually took them at least a week to return a call, if they would at all. Even with the superintendent stating to mark it urgent and he will call back within 48 hours!

3. Do not expect to get a call back from the "Corporate Customer Care Line" despite their 24 hour response policy. It took me 7 messages over a 3 week period to finally get someone on the phone.

4. Unless an issue is jeopardizing thier benefit, they will take thier sweet time addressing it. Funny how I got a phone call immediately after I locked out the County Inspectors that were there to sign thier paperwork off & to thier benefit only.

5. Demanded final payment in full, threatening not to schedule any further construction - which is against the law according to the contractors board!

Shall I go on??? If you are a "Blue Haven Pools Hater" lets take action and make sure no one else has to go through what we did!

Company: Blue Haven Pools
Country: USA
State: California
City: Ontario
Address: 2318 S Vineyard Ave # A
Phone: 9099476474
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