Abc SEAMLESS (Matthew Macomber)
Abc SEAMLESS Doesn't Know The abc's Of Business

Construction & Repair

On March 11,1999, I entered into a contract with Matthew Macomber for "installstion of abc seamless siding, complete with soffit, fascia and gutter", as well purchase and installation of 4 new windows. The windows were to be double hung, six over one.

Mr. Macomber gave me a tentative date of April 19,1999 to begin the work. I gave him a personal check for $1938.75 (1/3 of the agreed total cost) as a down payment on the job. He called me around the end of April to tell me that he was several week behind in his schedule. I told him that I was willing to wait but I wanted the work completed by the end of June. I called him during the first week of June. He was very apologetic about the delay and promised that he would start working on my house very soon. I called him again during the third week of June. He apologized again saying that he was sure that he could at least install my windows before the fourth of July. He finally said that he could install my windows on July 7th. I made arrangements for my mother to be available when he came since I had to work.

I came home at about 2 PM on the day he started installing the windows. I realized that he had installed the wrong style of window and drew his attention to it. He was almost done with the installation at that point. He had installed plain double hung windows instead of the six over one like the other windows in my house. He acknowledged the mistake and said he would order the correct windows and install them when he came back to put up the siding. That was the last I saw of him. Mr. Macomber failed to cap my window sills as he said he would do when he returned. I called numerous times during the summer and fall leaving messages for him. He never returned my calls.

I finall emailed the parent company with my complaint in November, 1999. I did not get a Janurary, I emailed the company again. This time I received a call from "Charlie" who identified himself as the vice-president of abc SEAMLESS. (701-476-1104) Charlie apologized for my situation but stated there was nothing he could do. He said that Matthew was no longer in business and that they did not have another site in my area that could service me. I told him that I had a signed contract with a representative of his company and my house still needed the work done. He again stated that there was nothing he could do. My last conversation with him was in late February.

I am furious and I have been ripped off. My windows are mismatched, my window sills are exposed to the elements and my house still need siding. I am willing to hold to my end of the bargin if abc will hold to their end of it.

Company: Abc SEAMLESS (Matthew Macomber)
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Absecon
Address: 230 Flint Pond Place
Phone: 18003279555
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