Fairfield Selden
Be careful they are greedy and make it impossible to move

Construction & Repair

Fairfield apartments Selden Complex. I moved in based on the 1,000.00 security deposit with good credit. I now see I'm at 10 months here and I have 15 days from this letter that came today dated 2 days ago to renew my lease and or move. If I do not sign Its considered a soon to be available apartment. They have you leave the 28th day of the pre move month so if your to move April 1st you have to be out by March 28th. Then they send me a new 2 year re newel each year with a 50 dollar raise in rent. Worst part is they now want another 750 dollars for additional security. That is insane and I do not have it this may indeed be the fall of my credit as I hear they have no understanding.

I say keep a good tenant with a steady rent and no bs or have us move and then re rent over and over loosing months of income between tenants. I wrote a letter of grievance so I will update but be carfuel this place is a trap for the low to middle income people once in you need to make sure you have money aside to move each year just in case the increase is insane like ours. You also have to let them know 2 months prior you intend on leaving. You must take pics when u do I have no storys of anyone getting security back just story's of people being charged for damages that aren't real over and over. They are cooperate bullies and I think I am now a victim to this major multi billion dollar super power that they have grown to be. Be back soon..

Company: Fairfield Selden
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Selden
Address: commack rd, commack
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