Brainstorm USA
Parents & Sales People

Computers & Services

Beware of this company especially if you work for them. They will have you running all over the DFW area trying to sell a grossly overpriced tutoring package many parents can not afford. You will make a nice commission (if you do make a sale) but they get 3/4 of it. Because of fees they charge to the sales person. Fees they conveniently fail to tell you about. Parents, this is not worth the money.

Company: Brainstorm USA
Country: USA
Address: 8800 Rosewell Road Suite 200 Atlanta GA 30350
Phone: 18005955561
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Brainstorm USA
Take 3/4 of the salary

A & T Associates, Kirby Vacume
Ripoff harassment

Global Tech Leasing
They scammed my handicaped dad... Who else will GLOBAL TECH LEASING scam?!

ColRich Builders
Senior Citizen Scam

DatesNow Pty Ltd
I got done as well I am in England and due to embarrassment I left it and now have been billed over 200 Brisbane

Realty properties, realty trade Attempted to ripoff my elderly parents

SPS Select portfolio services
This company has been trying to take my parents house for at least 10 years now... Every 3 months

J J K Investments - Kirby
Ripoff These salespeople sold my 84 year old parents a vacuum cleaner that they are not physically able to use or financially able to afford

Ripped of my parents who are on SSI w/limited income!

Pro Flowers
Flower delivery