Realty properties, realty trade Attempted to ripoff my elderly parents


There are many RED FLAGS with this company that show immediately
First: They contacted my elderly parents, my parents did not contact them.
Second: They demanded money up front to sell my parents timeshare. Never ever do business with anyone who asks for upfront fees to sell anything that you already own
Third: High pressure sales tactics. They kept asking over and over about $1400 needed to list with them and when my parents told them they didn't have the money they said, well we can list for only $750... Can you borrow the money from your children.
Fourth: When my parents said something about reviewing their company with the BBB they started talking badly about the BBB, how it was a scam company and lies about who founded the BBB. The BBB has logged 203 complaints in the last year, 203!!! The BBB also give them an F rating.
Fifth: They are a member with the OBB (online business bureau). This company is another SCAM. They attempt to operate like the BBB, they attempt to look like the BBB and instead they try to support companies like Realty Properties by taking their money and always giving them a passing grade and not listing actual complaints

I cannot stress enough that if any company asks for money up front for any type of transaction, it's most likely a scam. I just hope you found this by researching the company before doing business with them and didn't find this after being ripped off!

Company: Realty properties
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Address: 14 E Washington St
Phone: 18669982707
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