Dri trend micro
Mistake-do not need service

Computers & Services

I don't require this company whatsoever. It's an error. The display placed crisis and stated i had a need to restore this immediately. I don't require this support at-all, it's an error. Please eliminate this support from my pc and take away the statement from my citi card charge card. I repeat please take away the statement from my citi card charge card and take away the support from my pc. Thanks

Company: Dri trend micro
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: St. Louis
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Micro Center
Very unefficient customer service

Trend Micro Antivirus
Billed for non-orde

Dri Trend Micro Orderfind
Unauthorized charge

Dri trend micro
Unauthorized charge on credit card


Citi is obviously playing fast and loose with the Truth in Lending ACt

Diamond Preferred Citi Credit Card
29.9% Citi Card has charged me

Dri*trend Micro
Charge to Credit Card

Dri trend micro
Over charged

Buyers beware