Hewlett-Packard recall model dvd6000
System burns out in two-yrs (ironically shortly after the warranty expire)

Computers & Services

Dear Friend or Madam:

Like A faithful HP client, I purchased a horsepower laboratory-best [Dvd pavilion 6000] about two years before considering I had been established to get a great three or four decades, and child was I therefore wrong.

The attractive horsepower worked ideal for 2 yrs till it abruptly died on 7/12/09, without any prior signs/indications, it'll no further start up, it forces up, lamps switch on, however the display remains dark.

I became extremely upset since the guarantee ended and so I began looking the web for options. Nevertheless, I came across that a large number of horsepower laboratory-covers are experiencing the same issue! This issue appears to influence the whole HP Pavillion dvd-6000 design, the Texas 100 household, along with other pavilion versions.

Upon my research I then found out that no real matter what cooling mat you utilize it nevertheless gets really warm. Well, that’s the issue, it would appear that the faulty Nvidia chipset is overheating and as time passes (Actually soon after the guarantee end) it dies, making the laboratory-top useless.

Whilst having ideas about getting appropriate motion, I chose to contact a horsepower consultant, their solution were surly what I had been anticipating, they certainly recognized the issue, and mentioned that it had been a recognition about the design, but once I created them conscious the guarantee ended I had been informed that it'd charge ($398.00) to truly have the problem solved.

Could you please support examine the problem to prevent being cheated. This really is obviously no person trigger problem

Thanks ahead of time,

Lewis Terry

(646) 261-0144 or terrylewis43@hotmail.com

Company: Hewlett-Packard recall model dvd6000
Country: USA
Site: hp.com
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