Horrible customer service

Computers & Services

Toshiba is a product NO ONE should ever buy. I bpught a laptop and paid over 4300 for warrenty. Each time i call them they keep transferring me to other depts, You are on hold forever. Today it is now close to 3 hours, yes I said 3 hours. Have spoken to 10 popel and am still on hold as i type this.

Company: Person
Country: USA
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National Magazine Exchange, Special Data Processing
Soon to be former employee, fed up with the inhumane, in my opinion, tactics of this company

No customer service - Satellite Laptop

Toshiba Satellite A135 S4417
Horrible tech line!

Ultralife Pm
The product is fake, ripoff

No customer service

General electric warranty
General Electric TV

Toshiba Direct
Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Sold faulty laptop, refused refund, refused to speak to me

Toshiba - Satellite Laptop
Bad Laptop Warranty Service

Consumer Products - Satellite Laptop

Toshiba America Inc
Laptop M305D-S-4829 - Toshiba Satellite laptop M305D-S-4829