After 6 years with the same

Computers & Services

After 6 years with the same phone i decided to get a new one. I got katana with add. Line (cheaper) from kiosk at the mall. FYI do not go to kiosk, they are not affiliated with Sprint at all. They are not corporate what they promise does not have to be honored. Anyways, i was promised better plan, more features for basically $5 more. Deal right? My phone got turned off yesterday, and i found bill for $414.29??? In my mail box... Who spends that much for crying out loud??? Anyways, i called... I was put on hold for 18 minutes, to get hung up on. I call again, nice lady unable to help me transfers me to Brandon. He is at dispute department. Gets my phone # and says, We will contact you about this in 4-6 days??? What? I need to explain what is going on... That Brandon starts literally yelling at me. What do you want from me? I cant help you there is nothing else you can do. I was in total shock... I got transferred again, and i broke down. Dorothy answered, calmed me down, called Brandon an idiot (: and got me Julie a manager... Finally (2.5 hrs later) i explained that i was charged for months for stuff i did not ask to have, for late fees because they are unable to process check (oh sorry he got wrong acc # for your bank)... Long story short, my bill got down to 179$... I wonder who gets rich of the stuff they just put on the acc. Thinking we are all stupid and wont notice. Advice... Do not go to kiosk! Check every bill you get, and don't bother with customer service, go to manager straight... Or start crying, the are some compassionate people there... I was humiliated non the less, but i am sure you will here from me here soon... Probably i was told whole bunch of lies again... We will see

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
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State Carpet Upholstery & Drapery Care/Yossi Zozot
Carpet cleaning for 1350 dollars instead of 49!

T-Cellular INC At Brandon Mall, Norm Lantrip
T-Cellular At Brandon Mall, Norm Lantrip, T-Cellular INC At Brandon Mal This whole T-cellular kiosk in Brandon mall lied about everything. Worst part is that Sprint CAN'T control them either!

Sprint Pcs
Don't use!

T-Cellular, sprint
T-Cellular, sprint false promises!

Consumer Report

WEVO (Sprint Kiosk)
Consumer Report

Sprint mobil service Sprint is a cheat and won't correct their errors

Sprint PCS
Sprint Nextel Corporation Sprint Nextel Customers should check their bills for late fees

Sprint PCS
Very, very poor service

Lied about the comparison $ cost of their services