Gateway high-end junk

Computers & Services

I bought a higher-finish Entrance at the conclusion of January. The very first touch of difficulty was A - 30-time wait in obtaining the program despite customer support declaring that it had been "nearly ready". If it'd finished there, I'd have now been a happy camper.

However, the pc hasn't worked because it came. After I allowed the Crossfire cards, the equipment failed and, after dealing with Entrance Assistance, needed to be rebuilt. The tech-support representative recommended me not to allow CrossFire (why can you purchase a device with high end graphics cards that can not be utilized???).

In the last couple of months, I Have needed to repair the equipment 6 times. I have attempted updated drivers, various combinations of drivers, and various installment sequences however they the outcome may be the same - a quad core device that's slower, less steady, and it has worse artwork than my 5-year-old pc.

I Have been dealing with computers like a interest and appropriately for over 20 years. I REALLY LIKE computers and engineering and am usually excellent at troubleshooting. Nevertheless, I am at my wits end. Despite numerous calls to Gateway, ATI (the movie card producer), and grievances towards the consumer-protection companies of three states, I can not get Entrance to return my cash or substitute the movie card (because it appears to be in the middle of the issue).

Our latest endeavor has practically nothing on the clear install (#6) aside from Norton Internet protection and also the sport I am applying like a test plan. The movie continues to be terrible, efficiency is bad, and also the device fails numerous occasions daily (even if lazy - rest is impaired).

The equipment is really terrible that I cannot utilize it since I've no-confidence that 1) it's not going to accident and I'll shed what Iam performing and 2) the efficiency is bad. It simply rests under my table while I take advantage of my previous device to create issue words. Nearly a great utilization of cash.

Company: Gateway
Country: USA
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Gateway Computers
Terrible experience

Gateway / Monitor Lp2207
Stay far away from Gateway

Gateway computers
Gateway computers. Gateway to what?


Worst company I have ever dealt with

Gateway Computers
Gateway 420GR - exactly what a piece of crap!

Gateway Computers
Ripoff of length of time for repair and where repairs are done, very poor customer service regarding customer satisfaction

Gateway Corporation
Rip-off total loss of new equipment to sr. Citizens

Unethical business

I would never buy another Gateway product nor would I ever recommend that anyone else do so eve