Terrible Customer Service/Irritating Corporate Policy
Gymboree Southdale

Clothing & Footwear

I was a loyal Gymboree customer shortly after I had my little girl (currently 2.5) and would always utilize their GymBucks as much as possible usually buying way more than she can ever wear. However, the past couple times I have shopped I received the WORST customer service (I mean I have gotten better at Target) mainly from the same sales lady. If the sales transaction is not the standard pay for items and goodbye she turns into this mean woman with irritating tone and wicked looks. This has happened after I questioned their exchange policy and later their return policy.

Although Gymboree has some irritating policies, I would be able to deal with that if I was treated with respect when they told me rather than treating me like the red-headed stepchild... I am actually a bit sad that this sales lady has left such a bad taste in my mouth because I now have another girl on the way and I would love to buy outfits for my little ones there. I should mention I found a great place to get Gymboree without contributing to my local stores bottome line - EBAY!

I have left feedback twice now at Gymboreelistens (which they are always touting) and never heard back from anyone so just seems like they don't care.

To new shoppers this is what you should know before you buy! (I would just make sure there is no chance you will want to exchange or return or it is a hassle)
1. If it is not during the timeframe to REDEEM Gymbucks, you can most likely earn them. Make sure you ask! Usually my store has a sign saying earn Gymbucks or the sales lady will tell you but occassionally you come home with a $45 purchase only to look online/hear from friend. Ect... That you could have gotten Gymbucks if you have spent $5 more. You can not return the items and buy again plus whatever amount you need to earn the Gymbucks. You basically have to just make another purchase for $50.
2. Gymboree often has coupons or with Gymbucks you get a discount. They discount each individual item you buy not the total amount purchased. So if you end up returning an item you do lose out on some of the total discount you would have received. If you exchange the item for a different item you do not get a discount on the new item even though the original item has the discount, even if the item is the SAME price. Example, I exchanged headband for hair clips, same price but since one was bought with Gymbucks I had to pay the difference of the higher priced item. (Not huge amount but can add up)
3. If you received Reward money (like $5 or $10 gift card type cash) make sure you do not exchange the item. The discount does not carry over to the item you would rather have and again you lose money considering the first item was discounted. You can only use this one time and you lose it even if you exchange so just make sure you will in no way exchange.
4. Here is a weird one... If you are returning item with receipt you need to actually bring in the card you used to buy the item with or you can only get store credit. These days miraculously most stores seem to know which credit card you used when you give them the receipt (Macys, Target, Marshalls have all done this) but NOT Gymbo, if you don't have the card you can't return which can be a hassle if your spouse bought the item and you are returning for them.

Gymboree has cute clothes, most can't argue with that, but their service leaves much to be desired and in my experience even the corporate program designed to "listen" doesn't seem to care.

Company: Terrible Customer Service/Irritating Corporate Policy
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Edina
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Gymboree Southdale
Terrible Customer Service/Irritating Corporate Policy


Gymboree Bucks are a rip off!


Target Stores
Exchange - Refund policy screws consumers

Return, Exchange, and Pricing Policy are inconsistent, unreasonable and arbitrary-i.E. No receipt -get item in same dept. Ripoff

Target Return/Exchange Policy
Never do advance shopping

Best Buy
Store #477 Return/Exchange Scam

Home Depot
Robbed by Exchange Policy

Ripped Off! Do NOT purchase from the site!