Department Of Motor Vehicles Nevada
Dmv nv Dmv lost my I.D. And wont replace it

Cars & Transport

The department of motor vehicles in Las Vegas, NV is charging people for identification cards they are not receiving. Me being one of them i called the DMV. They go on to tell me that they cant do anything about it and i must pay again for another card.

Now it seems to me there policy to get important information to people is to UPS info so the person of
interest may sign for it, Why would I.D. Cards be any different... They send this important info thru the local postal service.

There's no tracking number... Thers no receipt and now as far as i see it someone could have my I.D. And be fraudulantly using my name. I thought that was part of the new tax hike with the dmv to avoid that issue... I payed for my I.D. Shipping cost when i payed at the counter for this crap paper they gave me... Where Is MY I.D. And why do i have to pay again when its there mistake?

Company: Department Of Motor Vehicles Nevada
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las vegas
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