Marathon Dura Lube
Mepco Finance Corp and (Extended Warranty Corp 2) Ripped me of for 1,400

Cars & Transport

Contact by Mepco to take an extented warranty for a period of five years. Was sent the Marathon Dura lube to put in crank case. Was give a period of 18 payments and was told that if there was never a claim made and payments were made on time I would be elgible for some sort of moneytary refund when contract was almost expired. Now there decline to do so.

Company: Marathon Dura Lube
Country: USA
State: Missouri
Address: EWC- 6055 Mexico Road
Phone: 18002058988
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Dealer Warranty Services & Summit Finance
Marathon administrative, and summit financial I was charged 1,303.00 for a bottle of dura lube to add to my oil

Mepco - National Auto Warranty Services - Ultimate Warranty Corp
Ripped off by Mepco/National Auto Warranty/Ultimate Warranty Corp! Saint Louis Missouri

Mepco Finance Corporation
Mepco Fin. Corp. Mepco Finance Corp. Extended warranty Big Ripoff do not trust or purchase anything from this company

Mepco Finance Corporation
Mepco warranty rip off do not buy warranty from them!

Mepco finance corporation warranty
Rip me off

MEPCO told me that since I didnt have records of oil changes by a certified tech that my warranty was void on a water pump claim

Mepco Finance Corporation
Ripoff warranty company be very careful dont buy warranty from them!

Mepco finance Corporation
Mepco billing services for your automotive protective plan Recieved a letter from Mepco about the time the warranty was to run out on our Buick. Our trusted mechanic suggested it would be a good idea to purchase the extended warranty, so I called

Safe Ride Warranty
Cannot cancel via phone. Explanation of cancel procedures not specific in booklet provided nor is address to return product

Mepco / First National Warranty / Consumer Direct Warranty Services
Sold a Car Warranty, collect almost all payments, cancelled agreement, refused to refund, Illinois / Fort Lauderdale, / Redding, California