J. D Byrider
CNAC These people don't know what they're doing, they are preying on people and justifying it. Luckily I was able to refinance but they will not leave

Cars & Transport

Well let's start off by telling you a little bit about myself and my situation and how I ended up at a place like J. D Byriders in the first place.

My husband was in Afghanistan January I had his power of attorney. My car was totaled in an accident and I needed a car. I had gone 4 months without a car because I couldn't find a place that would finance me using the power of attorney. All of the dealerships wanted me to have my husband with me to sign the papers. (I am a stay at home mom so on paper I technically have no income to myself according to most banks.)

So after trying several dealerships, I was about to give up my search for a car and just wait until my husband came home (in July.)

My sister in law suggested I go to the place where her friends dad is the finance manager. (He mysteriously stopped working there since I've been back.) When she said J. D Byrider I sort of knew from poking around on the internet that the place was no good, but I was desperate for a car and a way to finally be able to get around on my own. I figured my sister in law is a person who does her research and she's pretty smart and savvy when it comes to things like car-shopping, so I told her I'd at least go up there and try it out. (I didn't realize at the time that she would get $300 for referring me to them if I ended
up financing the car which is obviously the reason she led me into a death trap.)

Well I ended up getting a 2005 Chrysler Sebring for $18,000 (after all the interest by the time I paid it all off that's how much I'd be paying.)

At the time I didn't think it was such a bad deal. Then again I know very little about cars. So i signed my paperwork (they video tape you with a small webcam while you sign your paperwork. If that doesn't scream 'weird' I don't know what does!)

But I'd never purchased my own car before so honestly I thought this was natural.

Now let me say right now that even though I found out later the car was really only worth $9000, and even though the 21% interest rate was ridiculous since my credit isn't bad, and even though I knew something was 'off' about the place, I made my payments and went along with it like an idiot. That's all my fault and my responsibility. I am young and had lessons to learn. I am not blaming these people for my stupidity. They are well aware of the fact that their customers cannot get financed anywhere
else and they are aware that they have a chance to squeeze this individual for all they're worth. People are foolish (like me) thinking that there's no other options and that this is the type of place they are forced to go to. Not realizing they could
simply wait to buy a car and fix their credit first, or in my case wait for my husband to be with me because the shocker is my credit and his credit are both fine. If I would have waited I could've went to the Chevy dealer across the street and gotten a 2012 Cruz for $24000.instead I went with the quicker $18,000 Chrysler Sebring. Stupid!

However, what happened at the end of my dealings with J. D Byriders was not only probably illegal, it gives everyone who is considering buying from this company the opportunity to see that something is not right about this place and that shopping there is nothing but a waste of money, time and stress.

So when July rolled around my husband came home and eventually got around to looking at the paper work for the car I financed (in my name only.) He knew right away that they saw me coming from a mile away (lonely naive military wife with no credit and no knowledge of cars) and they took full advantage of me. He went to the dealership/bank to talk
to them and see exactly what I was paying for and why the interest was so high (they are a dealership with their own bank attached which helps them to make deals with people like me who no one else would finance and so they take you for all you're worth because they're desperate and so are you. AKA bottom feeders.)

He came home furious that I had been taken the way I had by this place but he knew there was nothing he could do to change it because I was in a contract with them and it was my stupid fault for not researching before I did any of it. He decided to refinance with Navy Federal Bank. So he applied for a loan with the pay off amount of 11,775.42.

He was approved for the loan. We brought the check the bank gave us up to J. D Byriders, happy to get out of a contract with these people and start paying a much more reasonable interest rate (10% from 21%! Yeah we'll take it!)

We thought we were done with this place after we paid them, but no. This is where either bad business skills, or the scam come into play (I'm leaning towards a little of both but definitely bad business skills, you'll see why.)

There was a payment due the day before we gave them the pay off check of $188.00. We wrote them a check on the 17th of July for $188 and the very next day, the 18th of July, we gave them the $11,775.42. Naturally we thought they'd void out our check for $188.00 because the pay off amount already included that money! However they assured us that after
the pay off check went through we would be reimbursed for the $188.00 in 7-10 days.

Now that is red flag number one. We were so excited to pay the car off we didn't realize that any normal dealership or bank would have simply voided our payment and cashed the pay off check as usual. Why was there a need to cash the pay off check FIRST and then cash the check for $188.00 (that is how they did it, they did not put our check for $188.00
through first although they claim they put it through the day we gave it to them I know it is a lie because our bank records show it was not attempted to be cashed until the 29th of July. This gets kind of confusing but bear with me.)

I had in my hand a receipt stating that our car was paid in full, and that they owed us a grand total of $274.89.

On the 27th of July, my husband, my sister in law and I all received at least 2 phone calls each from CNAC. They told my sister in law they were going to repo the car! She called my husband and told him. He was confused seeing as we were no longer financed with CNAC anymore and couldn't think of why they told her that. He called J. D Byrider asking
why they were calling all of us. Victoria was the hound that was harassing us, she said the check from Navy Federal Bank bounced on them. They also have this written in their records that Navy Federal Bank wrote a bad check and it was bounced. My husband immediately called Navy Federal Bank and explained that CNAC was claiming the check they wrote
them bounced. Navy Federal found it laughable that they would ever say such a thing, and explained to us that the check was not able to be cashed because CNAC FORGOT TO SIGN THE CHECK. I mean excuse me for a second, but WHAT kind of business forgets to sign the back of an eleven thousand dollar check!? It doesn't seem right to me but that's what

So my husband called Victoria back and explained to her that she or whoever tried cashing the check did not sign it and that they'd need to wait 7-10 business days to have the check returned to them and they'd have the chance to sign it and cash it again.

Well they did not want to wait 7-10 days and I don't blame them for wanting the money, but it was their mistake. And instead of admitting their mistake and asking us to get them a new check and having the bank cancel the other one, they said that if we do not get them a new check THAT VERY DAY then we would have to pay them $200!!! Yes, you heard right. Because some doofus forgets to sign a check, if we don't rush over with another one then we owe them money? This is where I am
at a loss.

However, wanting to end this swiftly and get these people out of our lives for good, I went down to the bank, explained the matter to them about how J. D Byrider CNAC forgot to sign the check and how they're threatening us to take more money from us and telling our sister in law who isn't even on the account that they're going to repo our car.

Navy Federal Bank was stunned. They said never in all their years of business have they EVER heard of a place like this and they kept asking, so is this a bank or a dealership or what? I told her it's a dealership and bank combined. Navy Federal said they didn't like the way things were looking and they were going to call J. D Byrider and dig deeper into what this is all about. Navy Federal assured me we were not required to pay J. D Byrider a single cent because it was THEIR mistake.

The bank REP called J. D Byrider, Victoria spoke with the bank REP. (while I sat there listening to it all.) Victoria admits to someone not signing the check and that she would like them to cancel the check and write them out a new one so they can avoid waiting 7-10 days to get the check back. The bank REP agreed to do it. She canceled the old check and wrote me up a new one to take over to CNAC.

While I was getting up to leave she asked me if I learned my lesson, and I said an enthusiastic YES!

I promptly took the second pay off check to J. D Byrider. The girl at the window (yes they have a protected heavy glass window to put payments through because I guess they go through this a lot with trying to screw people over or making stupid errors and people getting angry) acted like she had absolutely no idea why we were back there again. She said,
"Didn't I just see you here last week to pay off this car?" And I said, "Yep that was me I'm back here again because someone didn't sign the back of the check."

The girl at the window took the new check to her manager or whoever it was and came back with a new receipt. (I have two different looking receipts saying I paid this account off at this point and they owed me money but each receipt has different amounts for the amount they owed us and they look NOTHING alike.)

The girl at the payment window also called Victoria to tell her for some reason I guess because she'd been calling us all day long (her last call was right before I walked into the building like she just couldn't wait to get that money in her hands) and her and Victoria shared a brief argument before the girl hung up the phone. Apparently Victoria scolded the girl for calling her at all about the matter.

Meanwhile although they had already tried cashing the $11,775.42 check and would have if they had signed it, they still hadn't attempted to cash the $188.00 check from our personal account. At this time I'm thinking since we have paid them twice already and it's already the 27th of July at this time, that they aren't going to try to cash the check for $188.00. It's been about two weeks at this point that they've had the check for $188.00 and I assumed since it had been more than 7-10
days that they weren't going to bother with cashing it just to refund it to us since they'd already gotten the pay off check TWICE at this point. Plus they already told us that we'd get that money back in 7-10 days and it had been well past that at this point.

So the 29th of July rolls around. At this point we're thinking once again we're done with J. D Byrider. Our first car payment for Navy Federal Bank was due on the 1st of August. We weren't dealing with J. D Byrider or CNAC anymore at all. (shouldn't have been anyway.)

So on the 29th of July CNAC tried to put the check for $188.00 through (they finally cashed the check.) However we didn't have $188.00 in our bank account at the time.

Now I understand that the check was a car payment, but at this point the car has been PAID IN FULL. One receipt shows they already owe us $274.89, the second receipt (from the second time we paid them off) says they owe us $11.71. So either way they owe us some money and are already paid in full, WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO CASH THIS CHECK FOR $188.00

I didn't check our bank account until the 31st. Between the 29th and the 31st they tried to cash that check for $188.00 FOUR
TIMES! Yes four times! I don't even think that's legal! Once the check bounces you cannot keep trying to put it
through! I was stunned. So upon seeing that our bank account was hit with 3 returned check fees for $30 each, they finally got through on the 31st and the $188.00 came out of our account. Four times!

So my husband calls CNAC and asks Tasha (I think that's how you spell the name) why the hell are you all not only cashing an old check that should have been voided, you tried putting it through multiple times and when it wouldn't go through you just kept pushing and trying to get it through. The car is already paid off, we're paying Navy Federal at this point!

I went up to CNAC with my bank records. Of course Tasha brought us out into the hallway in a smiling and giggling manner I quickly let her know that this is NOT a smiling or funny manner. I started to get loud at which point she directed me into an office to talk (which professionally should have been done in the first place.)

She immediately started feeding me bullshit lines about how the accounting department has nothing to do with her department which is finance, and that she can't be held responsible that her workers aren't trained well and don't know how to do their jobs. She also pulled up notes from our account on her computer (which you'd think would've been
closed out by now but no, they still had the account actively going which is strange) and showed me that according to her records and what she knows, the accounting department claims that the first check we wrote them on the 17th of July for $188.00 bounced THAT DAY along with the check from NAVY FEDERAL the next day.

Now first of all, I know for a fact that a check cannot bounce in one day, and if so the bank statement will show 'returned check' or 'bounced check' so therefore they lied. And I know someone is lying about the Navy Federal check bouncing (I told her it's common sense everyone knows that the bank has plenty of money why would their check bounce?)

I explained how CNAC simply forgot to sign it and thats why Navy Federal agreed to write them a new one.
Then I explained to her that we need a refund right away for the $188.00 because that check wasn't put through until the 31st and by then they'd already been paid in full and the 7-10 business days had more than passed since we gave them that first pay off check.

She agreed that something wasn't right but she didn't know what because it was an accounting error. I was furious and started shouting to her that as a finance manager how can she not know what's going on in her own bank!? She doesn't see that her employees are lying in their notes, and not only that, they're blantantly ignoring the law!? She said she would see what she could do. She refused to let me speak to accounting saying that they'd already left for the day and that she would talk to them (she wouldn't let my husband speak to 'accounting' either and I feel that this in itself is suspicious because if someone makes a mistake then they need to own up to it and talk to us.)

So I have to go up there tomorrow and sort this out after she 'comes in on her day off' just to deal with my account (hmm pretty funny how after I mention getting a lawyer she decides to come in on her day off.)

And that's where we are now. Supposed to be done with this place but they're continuing to try to get more money out of us. I cannot for the life of me understand what exactly they're trying to do or if they're trying to scam us. I bet they didn't think we'd realize that they tried to put that check through 4 times or that they finally got $188.00 but if I learned anything, IF A COMPANY IS THAT HARD UP FOR MONEY, IT IS ALREADY A SIGN FOR YOU TO WALK AWAY. Going into illegal or questionable
business practices is just sick. I am hoping to get my money back but if not I will sue. I cried at CNAC and also had to lay down several times because I am newly pregnant and dealing with them gave me panic attacks and migraines (pain and suffering.)

I do not understand why they wouldn't let us pay them and then walk away. They have to keep us around and keep trying to get more from us! We are a military family for God sakes! So Please, I beg you with everything I have in me, no matter how bad you need a car, do NOT get it from this place! Just like the rest of these people on here, even if you don't have an experience like mine where they boldly wronged you, they're still committing highway robbery by shady dealings with crappy
cars and outrageous prices and interest rates that may not seem harmful at first, trust me, you'll live to regret it. This is one place that I am going to tell everyone about because I never want anyone to have to go through what I am going through with these people even after refinancing I still have to deal with this crap.

The saddest part is that their departments do not communicate or know what the other department is doing. It is SLOPPY!


Company: J. D Byrider
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Glen Burnie
Address: 10 8th Avenue N. W
Phone: 4107872110
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J. D Byrider
CNAC This place either has horrible business skills, or it is a scam as many of the other reports indicate. Do NOT go near this place for your own safety!

JD Byrider - CNAC
JD Byrider/CNAC Rip-off! Repossessed Vehicle with no Negotiation. I have to pay to get my possessions back

JD Byrider, CNAC
Thank you for all the trouble you have given me i hope the devil gets your judgement jd byrider

Tcf bank
Tcf will not cash a check from their own bank? Scam!

Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU)
NFCU If you want to get ripped off... Bank with navy federal credit union. Worst bank EVER!

Charter One Bank
Holds insurance reimbursement checks for 10 days

Patrick Long
Consumer Report

JD Byrider / CNAC
JD Byrider / CNAC ripoff vehicle had problems not mentioned by salseman, it booked for thousands less

JD Byrider - CNAC
CNAC/JD Byrider Made advance payments to CNAC/JD Byrider put me in collections in 2004! Ripoff

Monogram Credit Card Bank Of Georgia
Cashed payment, would not credit account despite copies of cash cancelled check