Professional Advice

Cars & Transport

I'd been looking many sites looking to get info on an issue I had been having with my vehicle. I came across JustAnswer.com; the way in which I recognized it-they might cost me $18 and that I had a period of time of time for you to ask questions until I acquired a solution which was great. After I delivered my issue I rapidly obtained a solution from there so-called specialist. But his solution was issues I'd previously available on additional sites; the distinction however is the fact that they didn't cost me something. But what actually ticked me down is they'd a textbox to create what I'd previously completed to repair the issue. You know what, which was among the issues he explained to repair. Which showed me he did-even bother to see my issue. After I didn't react to his first e-mail he began delivering more emails informing me that I had a need to take his solution since that's how they receive money. I finally decided lesson learned. Take his ineffective solution consider the strike for that $18 and make certain I never return to that site. Evidently $18 for ineffective guidance isn’t enough for them. Nowadays I then found out they've currently billed another $18 to my banking account. That’s not really per week later. A word-of guidance, don't go-anywhere near this site. They're con-artist. I want I'd examined them out before utilizing their so-called support.

Company: JustAnswer.com
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Pueblo
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Support result

Double Charges

Just Answer
Charge for No Answe

Answer to a question

Online scam

Be aware before using this site

Having requested software help and paying for this I have NOT received the answer to my request

No response to problems

Continualy wihdrawing subscription fees even after I notified them to stop

Don't even get a glimmer of an idea to use this web site for expert advice