CR England
I was fortunate that I was smart enough to get the heck out of there before I was completly screwed like so many will be.internet

Cars & Transport

First I would like to say that CR England crushed my dreams! Everyones recruiters lie to them and many don't find that out until they hear it from other drivers and classmates. England brings in people they know won't make it (homeless and convicted felones) but waits until all there contracts are signed until they kick them out. Several people including me are forced off the shuttle bus to Walmart and told that it was needed for a different purpose just so we all had to buy there expensive food.

They do not care about sexually harassment.infact I witnessed the school teachers and nasty truckers laughing saying that sexually harassment is a joke. Ultimately they don't care if you work for them because they constantly bring in bus loads of people. If you tell them you don't want to lease a truck at all they will send you home. They will wait until you sign that $3,000 contract an then kick you out for something they knew disqualified you way before that time.

I guess my personal story is that I realized that most people had been lied to the very first day I was there. I kept hearing people say bad things about them but continued to work and study hard towards my dreams. I passed all my tests with flying colors and was so proud of myself but when I was told that they are in Alot of trouble (high risk of being shut down) because many of there drivers have been getting in accidents I basically weighed out my pros and cons and decided from there to leave before I got any deeper into it. Because I decided to leave, England left me stranded in Utah, told me to hitch a ride with a trucker! Mind you I am a female!

Many of the office employees had shame written all over there fortheads. Thank God for my father who was able to get me home! I only had $20 to my name and went hungry for long lengths of time. CR Englands food is way over priced just because they know people will have to buy it. Please if your thinking of truck driving pick a different school. Its said that this is the best but its not. There equipment is not up to date and there trucks are not properly serviced and the trainers have all of two months of experience. So if you care about your life and those of others DON'T DO IT!

Company: CR England
Country: USA
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CR England
My husband was promised to get a job with them after he went through the training. After he completed the training, CR England forced him to buy their old truck and told him that this is the only way

Chester R England and bastard children

CR England
Another cr england leasee... Ripoff, utah

CR England
Multiple ripoff left me stranded in Indiana

Cr England
Bring $ for food and a plane ticket home if you give them a try&believe me

CR England
England, CR Rip-off, Poor handoff after training, leasing process awful

C.R. England Trucking
England's lease program will bankrupt you! Ripoff

C.R. Engalnd Trucking Company
Deceive you into signing a lease because that is the only way to make money

CR England
CDL and Lease Scam

CR England
Trucking ripoff CR England Truck Driving School, Do your homework before signing ANYTHING!