Auto Action
If you're looking for a car, don't go to Auto Action

Cars & Transport

On February 11, I called Auto Action and asked if theywere able to give us a Chevrolet Cavalier with $500 down payment. I was toldover the phone that they had several Cavaliers and there would be no problemwith getting only a $500 down payment. However, when we get there, its adifferent story. When we show up, they have no Cavaliers even though I was toldthere were several over the phone. Then, when I find a car I like Im told$1,200 down payment after being told $500 over the phone. The first salespersonwe had didnt speak English and the second one allowed us to do it for $1,000which came down to $500 now and $500 in two weeks.

However, I wasnt permittedto test drive the vehicle because I was told your company doesnt allow testdriving.By the time I was informed of this, theyd already kept us there forfive hours waiting on them to do who knows what. Then, it was another hour forthem to finish all the paperwork for us to be able to leave with the car. Onthe way home with the car, I noticed there was no gas in the car and the wholecar rattled a lot. It also has no air conditioning or heater. A few days afterwe got the car, I got a flat tire on the way home from work.

Several days afterthat, the car wouldnt start for some reason. I called the service departmentand the soonest they could get us in there was a month later. Every time I need to call for any reason, Ialways get attitude from the person on the phone. I kept having to call to findout why I cant register to pay online and no one could give me an answer and Ikept getting attitude over it on top of that. I called to get my license plateand I kept getting told its not ready yet and Ill get a call when its ready. I never got a call saying its ready. The week the temporary one expired Icalled them and they said it was ready and itll be $70 over the phone.

Ofcourse, when I show up its a different story, yet again. When I get there, its not done yet after the temporary tags are already expired and I was toldover the phone it was ready. Im told that I have to drive to the Auto Actionon 19 and Broadway to get them and it costs $105 after being toldover the phone it would only be $70. On top of that, its cash only which Iwasnt informed of that either. At this point, I was getting sick and tired ofgetting the runaround every time I needed something, always getting tolddifferent stuff from different people, and Auto Actions employees always beingrude to me. So, I got a different car elsewhere. When I go to return the car, they refuse to take it back because apparently things have changed. So, I come back again. All the manager is doing is arguing with us the whole time.

He tells us there is no such thing as a lemon law and you a buy a car and it breaks down the next day oh well too bad you still have to pay for it anyways. He also tells me I'm going to get sued and my credit is going to be bad now and my wages will get garnished until they get what I agreed to pay. I thought the law on contracts was when you return the merchandise you're purchasing that you no longer have to pay them anything. I mean why continue paying for something you don't have. They never even appologized to me for my troubles. It seems like all they want is their money no matter who gets screwed in the process. Either way, I'm calling a lawyer and the better business bureau on them.

Company: Auto Action
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 1909 W Van Buren St
Phone: 6022625424
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