United Parcel Service
Incompetent delivery

Cars & Transport

A bundle was to be shipped. The driver quit an email about the 12th noted equally 1st and 2nd try to provide. I quit an email to depart my bundle at work, that they didn't do about the 13th, though they suggested about the next type they did. They mentioned about the type this was the Next test. He or she subsequently delivered the bundle towards the sender. After I named to ask about this driveris or around the dirvers involved with this bungled motion I had been provided the runaround and informed there's nothing they might do and ostensibly that I had been SOL. Advantages sucks and that I WOn't utilize them again or permit one to deliver me-any more deliveries using their solutions.

Company: United Parcel Service
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: West Chester
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United Parcel Service
Avoid at all costs

Simply awful

NO DELIVERY/Customer Service

United Parcel Service
Never conduct business with the corporation

Late deliveries

United Parcel Service
Lost client and many more to come

Seems like driver did not feel like delivering the package

Drivers are too lazy to get out of their trucks

United Parcel Service
UPS not only lost a customer forever, but also many more that I would tell the story

United Parcel Service
I didn't expect such bad service from UPS