Easton Auto Exchange
Ripped Me Off For $300

Cars & Transport

I financed a car at Easton Auto Exchange October the following month November 5 i change insurance companys an after leaving the insurance office i went straight to the dealer provided them with my new insurance information the office assistant made a copy for there records on November 17 the day before i was to make my payment i go outside the car is gone thinking it was stolen i made a police report the next morning i walk to the dealership there sits my car, i ask why they took it they said because my insurance company called them stating i cancelled my insurance spoke to my insurance agent in front of them an they where told no body from there office make any such call,

Me thinking i've solved the issue i ask for the car, i was told even though i proved i had insurance being that they called me an i didn't return there call i have to pay $300 to get the car back, i informed them that i never received any call from them me an my daughter checked my messages in there presents showing there was no such message, there sales person kept telling me i can't drive with out insurance i asked him didn't he just see i provide proof though my agent an he just keep repeating the same thing, the office assistant was speaking to someone on the phone an just kept telling me i have to give them $300 even though i did nothing wrong,

Now every time i turn around there telling me they need to see my insurance payment, this i can't understand because being that there the lien holders on the car if my insurance where to lapse they would be notified by Pendot as well as i would be, i'm really starting to feel like they are harrassing me, they have me so stressed my bedroom faces my parking lot if i hear a car door close i look to make sure they not taking it again, when i wake in the middle of the night i look to make sure the car is there, it's a shame i'm constantly worried about them taking the car again for no reason like they did the first time, i still owe $1000 on it an i pray ever night i will somehow find away to pay them off quick.

I've been told that people have picked out front of there business stating they are rip offs i wish i could have been apart of that they really need to know they can't take advantage of people an get away with it. Especially on top of all there underhanded practices they sell you a car saying its in excellent condition they just serviced it just to find out they lied.

Company: Easton Auto Exchange
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Easton
Address: 1845 Freemansburg Ave
Phone: 6104384400
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