King Care Care
Formerly known as Transmission King and Tokyo Auto Repair Scam artists

Cars & Transport

Browse this website and you'll find tons of reports on this "business." I wish that was what I had done before dealing with these con artists.

First off, don't believe their $850 guarantee on transmission work, because it always comes out to more than that; mine ended up at $1250 and other people (according to this site) have been charged more. They replaced the ATF pump and the transmission was jerking the second I drove it out of the parking lot. They said they test drove it before giving it back to me, so they obviously could tell there was still a problem with the transmission and they were hoping I wouldn't bring it back so they wouldn't have to honor the warranty I paid for (unless the jerking somehow magically started after they test drove it and before I took it home).

So I took it back into them and they kept it for 7 weeks until I was finally so fed up I had it towed to a shop that knows what they're doing at my own expense. During that 7 weeks Joe — the only guy that ever answers the phone — gave me every excuse under the sun, that his builder didn't show up for work for two days so everything got pushed back 2 days, that his builder had to drive to San Antonio to get transmission parts for some reason (???), he even literally told me over the phone that he put my transmission at the back of the line because it was a warranty job instead of a paying job, which gives you an idea of how these jokers run a business. That meant that people that hadn't paid them a dime and that hadn't even been waiting a week were getting their cars back before I was. He refused to give me a rental car; I tried to complain to management and he told he told me he was the only one that customers ever speak to. Not once did he offer a courtesy thank you or apology for how long the repairs were taking, I just got attitude every single time I called in, as if I'm being a jerk because I think it's unreasonable for a shop to keep a car for over a month and a half and still not fix it (and it was always me calling him; he never kept me in the loop on any of this). I financed the original $1250 and when the remaining $450 came due, I couldn't make it into the shop before they closed that day because I was riding the bus so I wanted to pay it the next day. He accused me of extortion over the phone because I wanted to pay him the next morning instead of the actual due date. Real winner this guy.

When I had my car towed away from these swindlers, Joe told me the builder hadn't disassembled any of the transmission yet but the other shop told me the transmission he gave them was in several pieces. At first he even refused to let me take my car to another shop.

Bottom line: if you care in the least about money, time or customer service, don't touch this shop with a 10 foot pole. I'm inclined to agree with one of the other reports on this site that guessed that the only reason they have changed their name so many times in the last couple years is to disassociate themselves with their own bad reputation; so I wouldn't be surprised if they changed it again in the next few years. If you're considering going there, save yourself the effort by emptying your bank account and flushing it all down the toilet. You'll be out hundreds of dollars and you'll still have a broken car, so the result will be exactly the same as going to this shop.

Company: King Care Care
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
Address: 6324 N Lamar
Phone: 5128970845
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King Car Care
Tokyo Auto Repair, Transmission King Terrible customer service. Long waits (months)... Can't fix cars!

Cottman Transmissions
They repaired my transmission. I paid towing back to shop one month later. Dan refuses to tell me what he did to transmission at that time. Again, app. A month and a half after that. Took car back to shop. Transmission still not working right

Seatac Transmission
Standing behind their repairs

A1 transmission experts Ken Jones
Lied about replacing a transmission with a newly rebuilt unit after working on car 2 weeks

Mechanical Breakdown Protection
National Dealers Warranty ripoff No Peace of Mind Empty Guarantee

Driverz Edge Vsc, Inc Driverz Edge
Denying claims for work that is covered under my warranty

Purrfect Auto Service
Ripoff Since these are franchises they don't care whether the people who work there are qualified or not

Autosave Warranty (Charter Warranty)
Autosave Warranty, Charter Warranty, Charter Warranty will not honor warranty

Rick-ace Transmission
Ripoff unscrupulous transmission "repair" shoddy work destroys transmission in 7 mos

Transmission King
Chuck Kinard Jr. Told me my transmission problem and cost and called next day with a triple cost amount