Carnote 911
He is A" Con Artist He need to Be in Jail DO not GIVE HIM ANY MONEY

Cars & Transport

I sent Dorian Carey Young 2200 dollar on January 18 I told him that I wanted a BMW 650 he stated that his business only takes two days and to wire him one half and give him the other half when he delivers the car into my hands. During this process he was in vegas doing business I guess... We spoke and text almost everyday and out of the blue he wanted to make it a personal relationship between me and him. We spoke everyday for about 3 weeks straight and during those days I would ask him where is my car and he would say something like he pulling it out which he was lieing the whole time. He then stated he was no longer in vegas and he was going to get my car in Chicago. That never happend. Then he said the car was in Dalray, Fl that was a lie to. Then he it was in Atlanta, Ga that was a lie also. He phone was off for a long time could not reach him for about a month until I signed up for oovoo and saw he was loged on there and then I knew then he was trying to dodge me. He stated someone stole 14,000 dollars out of his account and and the people who is givinf him money to get the cars sent the money to the wrong Bank of America Accoount. Like how dumb do you think we Are Dorian to believe that... It is not June during these last 6 months has been hell I have lost my job, I have been evicted from my home and my child almost died due to Dorian having me in a finacial bond. DOrian will not answer his phone will tell me he doesnt have any service or that his phone is broke or anything to stop me from calling. I have to call him back to back all day and he will not answer he will tell me he is in a meeting I guess his meeting is his Fiancee'. But Dorian is a crook do not give him your money no matter what unless you ready to go through hell Like I did I am going to call the police in Atlnta, Ga and Detroit, Michigan and report him to craiglist, facebook Linkd, etc. Before he robs anyone else.

Company: Carnote 911
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Detroit
Phone: 3132827588
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Carnote 911 Asset Management
Dorian carey young dorian young is a con man, a thief, a two bit hustler, a dead beat dad

Ride In Style
Do not believe anything Dorian keyes says

Car Note 911 Asset Management
BEWARE - Multiple Fraudulent Activities - Steals Money or Delivery Horrible Cars

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Bond Investigations
DORIAN BOND, gave me bad paycheck 3 days before xmas, still wont pay money owed

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Akitas63 Akita Puppies - No contact, fake shot records, no registration papers given, over 10lbs under weight. Severe worms

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Body Of Change
Ripoff $1092, injured me, wrecked my competition plans, Willoughby

Fujitronic Manufacturing Inc
Don't want to send the rebates