Colvin Automotive
3 yrs later still waiting to get my car back

Cars & Transport

The initial estimate was $6,700 then it had been doubled to $17,000 overnight. It was to paint a 1968 Carmen Gia. My buddy and that I decreased the vehicle off Jan 2. Colvin initially cited us to get a paint work. Whilst the task extended, we were informed we had a need to purchase more new components. We purchased the parts, colvin dropped the parts. We purchased the components again, colvin dropped the components again. We held getting bills for more components and work. Now over time, we have currently compensated, 000 (plus parts) to possess this vehicle rebuilt plus they are charging that $47,000 at $100/hr which means 470 hours to get a vehicle that's nevertheless totally ripped aside. We're currently being requested for another $1600 to displace more lost components. As retired army, it was my entire lifeis desire. They will have currently had the car such a long time, nearly three years, my wellness has damaged and it is dubious that I'll actually generate this vehicle. My life savings hasbeen obtained by Colvin plus they WOn't finish the vehicle or launch it without more income paid. Psychologically, psychologically we're exhausted plus they currently WOn't examine it with both people.

Company: Colvin Automotive
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
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Colvin Automotive
CASEY COLVIN 3 yrs and $47,000 later and my classic car is still NOT done

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