Hubler Chevrolet
Service writer ripoff challenged me to fist fight

Cars & Transport

About three months ago, my wife took our car in to be checked for a rough idle. After it was checked out by a mechanic, a service writer spoke with my wife telling her what was wrong and how much it was going to cost to fix it. No problem there.

When my wife told the service writer that she would take the info back to give to me, is when Craig Carney decided to get pushy and picked up the phone and pushed it in her face saying, "call him now if you want us to fix the car". At first when she told me this, I honestly thought she had maybe taken it the wrong way. After all, how could a big car dealer be capable of being so "in your face"?

So I went up to the dealership that afternoon to see the service writer and find out more about what repairs were needed.

Well as soon as I entered the floor where these guys sit, I could immediately tell she was right. This Craig Carney looked at me with this half aggravated look and half "what are you going to do about it" look.

Long story short, he started getting ignorant with my wife in front of me so I told him to basically shut up. Well he didn't like that so he threatened to call 911 on me. Then he said, or if you want, we can just take care of it right here... You don't look like all that much to me. He said this while pushing his chest out and flexing his fists. Then he said to leave because they wouldn't fix the car.

(Laughing in disbelief) I walked past this guy over to the manager who was in full view and earshot of this whole thing. As I was trying to get someone to help me there, this Carney character walked by and told the manager to "forget them — they're a waste of time".

I looked at the manager guy and said that's it. Find me the highest ranking manager you have on duty. After I got in front of this other guy, I explained what happened, how ignorant this Carney guy was acting and so they offered to repair my car for free.

They apologized for Carney's actions, but as far as I know he's still employed there. If it were my company I would have fired him on the spot in front of the person he did this to.

I want to sue their pants off for the mistreatment. But I can't find a lawyer who wants to do the job. There were several witnesses to the whole incident.

So if you go to Hubler Chevrolet, steer clear of Craig Carney unless you're up for an afternoon brawl at your local friendly chevy dealer.

Company: Hubler Chevrolet
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
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