
Cars & Transport

This website makes it seem like it is based in Austin, Texas and sells cars that are reposessed at a fraction of the price it would cost to purchase a similar car through a used car dealer. Once you click on a link to purchase a car you are given instructions to send cash via moneygram to a contact in Texas to start the shipping process of the car you purchased.in actuality there is no car and no dealership in Texas. The website was created by someone in Australia in April and is just a site designed to get unsuspecting people to wire them $5,000.

Company: Westautosalesinc.com
Country: USA
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Westautosalesinc.com requires a cash deposit sent via moneygram to purchase a car that doesn't exist

Westautosalesinc.com requires a cash deposit sent via moneygram to purchase a car that doesn't exist

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