Unprofessional crew

Cars & Transport

Team smoking behind table while assisting or must I state not assisting the clients within the airport

Really rude and arrogant trip attandants. I had been insulted in arabic in one of these since the stupide flihgt attandant couldn't talk or comprehend Language.

I'll never established a base for the reason that region or that flight

Company: Tunisair
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
  <     >  


Hilton Hotel
Public safety


Disney Channel
Disney test - MacBook Air Laptop

Howard Johnson Inn
Unauthorized prices

Summer @ Yelp
Yelp Yelp decides to filter (omit) my review for no reason whatsoever

Arthur Lynn - Maps2Anywhere.com
Complete misrepresentation of the product, lied about it, and refused any refund or discount after the fact

The Erotic Review
David Elms online prostitution board for escort services Orange County

Bad service

James Sokolove Law Firm
Unprofessional & inexperienced

Www.eglobalwireless.com Scam on the purchase of a $99 netbook - never delivered after purchase