First Extended SSrvice Corporation

Cars & Transport

These people are dihonest individuals that prey on the uniformed consumer. I had my rear differential and drive shaft replaced in my 2001 F250. I followed proper procedure and had purchased a warranty from FIRST EXTENDED SERVICE to cover any drivetrain related problems.

The company told me they would submit my claim and for me to rent a car in the meantime. They said I would be reimbursed since this is covered in my warranty contract. The truck sat there for a week until ot was "authorized" for the repair center to even touch it. It then took ANOTHER WEEK for it to be fixed. I was then denied my reimbursement for the rental becuase actual shop time was under the 4hr minimum needed for "approval" for a rental vehicle. I have since then had the vehicle serviced, OUT OF MY POCKET, to the tune of another $2000 or so that FIRST EXTENDED stated they would not cover due to the fact that I did not "authorize" them for the repairs.

When you call the number, there is a transfer then a "click". I did manage to corner one of the crooked bastards on the phone one day and he stated "it is not their business to contact the dealerships for verification because they cannot make any outside phone calls". What a crock. To sum it all up, the dealership I purchased my truck from shut down and they did not "contact FIRST EXTENDED STATING THEY ARE CLOSING" so now my policy is null and void since there is not a dealer who can service my vehicle. I hope that the BBB knows about these fraudulent actions as I have found this website and hope that others will join in our complaints.

Urge them to file a class action lawsuit against first extended corporation for the total amount of the warranty purchased the day of the sale!!!

Company: First Extended SSrvice Corporation
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: PO Box 130745
Phone: 8005273426
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