Whites Pit Stop
Ripped me off

Cars & Transport

I placed a $190 order with this scompany over a month ago and I still have NOT received my item. I have been told 2 different times that the item shipped - only to have another person come back and say that it actually has NOT shipped. They refuse to refund my money and they say that 'I will get the item' - that there is just some problems with shipping. A month later I am still getting the run around from different people and they will NOT give me my money back.

Company: Whites Pit Stop
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Schererville
Address: 330 U. S. 30
Phone: 2198653337
Site: wpsracing.com
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Utsav Sarees
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NFL Shop.com
Deceiving practices in there shipping

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Sent wrong item - Ring #2-799

D & B Sales Inc
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Item not received

COM Item shipped not item ordered-returned itme but no refund and no replacment

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