Consumer Direct Warranty Services
Sold by Certified Dealer Services refused to honor $3500 transmission repai

Cars & Transport

Certified Dealer Services of Scottsdale, AZ sold me a Consumer Direct Warrant Service policy on my 04 Silverado. The transmission went out as we arrived home from vacation. We took the truck to an authorized Chevrolet dealership who completed $3500 in repairs and submitted the claim. CDWS refused the claim stating that only "parts" of the transmission were warranted; therefore, they would not pay any part of the claim. My next stop is the State Attorney General.

Company: Consumer Direct Warranty Services
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
Address: 7047 East Greenway Parkway #370
Phone: 18007133608
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Consumer Certified Dealer Services, Direct Warranty Services And DIRECT CHOICE Warranty Services. Extended Car Warranty Service

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Ripoff useless warranty

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Biggest Rip Off

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