AAA Of Washington

Cars & Transport

My friend and I stopped at a local convenience store. My friend exited the vehicle to make a purchase, leaving me inside. I decided to get a can of pop so I exited the vehicle and by habit locked the door and shut it. Well, my friend had left his keys in the car, believing I would remain inside.

A little background of a previous experience with AAA: less than 3 months ago, my wife and I needed to use AAA towing because our vehicle broke down and it took the tow truck driver over 3 hours to arrive and it was over 100 degrees outside. Needless to say, we were not optimistic of a tow truck driver arriving quickly. Since I reside less than 2 blocks from this store, we decided to walk to my home, call AAA and return when the tow truck was to arrive.

I called and AAA stated a driver was available and would arrive at the convenience store momentarily. My friend and I got into my vehicle (parked in my driveway) and drove the 2 blocks to meet the tow truck driver. As soon as Thompson Towing (the tow truck company AAA sent) arrived the driver stated he needed to see my identification, AAA card, and the registration of the vehicle. He stated AAA told him that only a registered owner of the vehicle could receive free lock out services.

He then went on to tell us that we could only pay cash and he would not wait if we didn't have the $45 on us. Luckily, we had the cash, but we only had 3 $20 dollar bills. He then stated very rudely that he had no money to make change and we needed to go into the convenience store and get change or he would keep it all himself. So we went in and made another purchase to get change (the cashier wouldn't make change for us) and brought it out to the driver. He went about his job and got the vehicle unlocked and left.

Well, I thought the way the driver handled the situation (requiring immediate cash) seemed kind of fishy so I went home and called AAA and explained the situation so the tow truck company would not also bill AAA and collect twice. The AAA representative said the lock-out should have been covered and she would send the proper forms for us to fill out and they would reimburse us the $45 we spent since it was my fault the keys were locked inside the vehicle.

So today I get a letter from AAA denying reimbursement because the tow truck driver claimed that since I had my own vehicle that I arrived simply to help my friend get free service. Yes I was in my own vehicle; I made the call to AAA from my home and had no desire to walk back to the convenience store, especially if I was going to be stuck waiting 3 hours again. I explained the situation on the forms and to at least 2 AAA representatives.

I am beginning to think AAA coverage is a joke and my wife and I will not be renewing our membership. AAA promises to cover disablement to any vehicle their members are in and I do not understand how this claim could be denied. I truly believe the tow truck driver wanted some cash and figured my friend and I would be easy targets to take advantage of.

Company: AAA Of Washington
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Spokane
Address: 1717 W. 4th Ave
Phone: 5093586900
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