Larson Volkswagen
They gave me a zero check when they owed me 4700.00 dollars

Cars & Transport

I have worked for this company for around ten years. I have seen and heard of Rob Larson takeing money out of peoples pay checks many of times but I never thought it would happen to me, but I was wrong. Heres my story... I came into work on march 5th it was my day to work, tried to sign into the computer to clock in but they had already removed me from the system, so I walked into the General managers office and asked if our paychecks were in he stated yes and handed mine to me I opened my paycheck and instantly got sick to my stomach to my surprise it was a zero check.

I at that tijme could not think, breathe thought I was going to throw up the only thing that was running thru my mind was how will I be able to provide for my children I have never been so scared in my life. The company owed me over 4600.00 hundred dollars.

I then called corporate office and asked the lady thats in charge of paychecks what was going on she stated that Rob Larson told her to this to me she had no choice and to ask the manager on duty and he would fill me in. I went into the sales managers office next door and ask he stated at first he didnt know anything until of course I told him I had alreday contacted corporate and they told me that he did. He stated that Rob Larson was very upset with me because he heard I was looking for another job else where I said what does this have to do with my paycheck I need my money and begged him for it, He then stated that Rob larson said that I owed him money from a personal loan he gave me I said no you know that I paid him back in full and have the receipts at home to prove it He said no another one I said show me the check I cashed from another one because that is a lie. He said he would call Rob so he did while I was sitting there and Rob simply said prove you dont owe me any money and your not getting a dime. I know that its nickles to him but its everything to me and now I have to wait months to get my money I have to sit back and wait while L&I does there job me I just cant believe that owners of a business can get away with this while we starve and they get to sick back and get fat and go home to their mansions. I

I know that he has hurt alot of employees that work for him since hes taken over his fathers company (hes probably rolling over in his grave if he knew)... When the economy broke he started making his sales mangers pay for any sales people at their store for there minimum wages... So if a sales person didnt sell enough cars to make over minimum wage rob larson would divide the amounts he had to pay out to those sales people and deduct it from all the managers pay. The sales managers were beside them selfs but they didnt want to lose there job. He would also make some not all when he felt like it if they made any errors like a rebate error from a manufacturer on a car deal I know one sales manager that is payinf over 4000.00 dollars back out of his pay check because he made a error although I believe no one gets paid on this but Rob Larson and if there is errors he gets to write them off on his business taxes so I guess hes getting paid twice Its called donig business no one she make some people pay for things and some not I think is against the law anyway making people scared that they will lose there jobs if they dont pay him. Also when a salesperson sells a car for rob larson and it a mini they get a flat of 100.00 it should be just that but no if the customers car comes in and they chsrge it to the stk# of the car then the sales person gets chrged back even though they were guarantee that mini of 100.00 also why do they chage 180.00 to all cars for there 120 day warranty when the vehicle is still under manufactures warranty its just another way for larson to pack as much stuff on his cars so he makes his money first just like those 1100.00 up to 1500.00 oil changes I see that charged to the vehicles its ridiculas those sales people dont have a much of a chance there I feel really sorry for them...

Company: Larson Volkswagen
Country: USA
State: Washington
City: Tacoma
Address: 7601 s tacoma way
Phone: 2534754816
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