Bob Larson Ministries
Bob Larson Bob Larson let me down years ago and has false callers call his show.internet


Bob Larson's ministry is well known, he has a radio talk show and web site. Years ago, in 1992, I was an avid listener to Bob's show, and made a small pledge of $20. At about the same time. I was reading literature from a cult organization which I was later to join. But before I did, I heard on Bob's show that this group (Which I will not mention) was a cult. At this point, I was still open minded and needed to speak with Bob or his associates on one of his lines for help. It was not a toll free number, and I had no phone, so I tried to call collect, I had a mean reprensenative decline my collect call, and that hurt me deeply.

I was willing to listen to what Bob had to say, but he let me down. Needless to say, I joined the group afterwards and my mind closed for several years. After my collect call debacle, I kept recieving Bob's notices to live up to my pledge, and I wrote him back and told him that since he would not even accept a collect call from me, he would not get any money from this source. Another area I want to address about this ministry is that I know that some callers are fake. He claims that members of certain groups that I will not name call him. I know that one of the groups that he claims are NOT ALLOWED to even listen to his show, and such a call would be next to impossible.

Bob's open rudeness to callers makes people angry and not want help from him. It seems like that is all a ratings deal, and he is just in it for the money. There have been several accusations made and Bob Larson to the best of my knowledge has never answered them. If a person were to get on the air with Bob and confront him, he would just be rude to them and cut them off. After years of hurt and pain, I forgive Bob Larson, but I feel that in order to stop other people's pain, he should be exposed.

Company: Bob Larson Ministries
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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