Ripoff auto financing "legalized mobters"

Cars & Transport

Thirty one months ago I purchased a vehicle from Donnell Ford in Youngstown, Ohio. Due to my recent divorce I to was informed that my credit was poor and financed a auto through AmeriCredit. My interst rate was 22%. I purchased a vehicle for 12,000 dollars with the hope of trading it in in 1 to 2 years as the salesman claimed I would get a lower interst rate. Well I have yet to see that and my credit has improved termendously.

After 25 payments of $391.00 I now owe $10,232 after 2 years. Legalized loan sharking if you ask me. I always pay my payment by phone due to the companies mailing practices. No matter how soon you mail your payment it is never posted by your due date.

I would love to see a class action suit brought against this company.

My thoughts are this. If enough of us who are aware of americredit practices run a ad in the local newspapers asking people who have a auto financed through this company to contact
us and we make a list of angry people and the names of dealerships that use AmeriCredit. We could set a date to picket the dealerships across the United States.

1. The public will be aware of there practices and be fore warned.
2. Dealerships will hesitate using AmeriCredit.
3. The media will set light to our cause.
4. Goverment officials may now get involved.
5. AmeriCredit will eventually GO DOWN... GOAL/SCORE!

Company: AmeriCredit
Country: USA
State: Arizona
Address: P.O. BOX 78143
Phone: 8779949115
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Americredit Auto Financing Co
Americredit is holding my title to my car after I made all my payments and paid all of the late fees and interests that accumulated over a five year period. All of a sudden, they threw a balance of 1

Slow prossessing deceptive ripoff thieves & swindlers


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Car title - auto financing

Unfair Practice / Rip Offs

AmeriCredit nightmare

It is a rip off company

Defending Americredit?