Dealer Preferred Warranties, DPW Or Gold Key Warranty Aka Automobile Consumer Service Corp. Aka
Dealer Preferred Warranties - DPW - Gold Key Warranty - Automobile Consumer Service Corp. Aka. All aliases in previous report dealer warranties, vehicle warranty, warrantry extensions, additional mileage coverage, new car coverage, powerage coverage

Cars & Transport

I had my bad experience with this company recently as of September 2nd. I called the number listed in the automatic malier they sent out postage paid with no return address. On the front of the mailer in bold letters were that it required immediate action and time sensitive material with a warning about any tampering being punishable by law, what a joke for them.

I own a GM vehicle, so when I opened it and it poke of a GM non obligal quote to extend the vehicles coverage I was naturally curious and interested due to the present state of vehcile affairs in the nation and costs of repairs.

The breakdown in the mailer was not really identifiable so if you had any question you had to call. The mailer listred various percentages (later attributed to financing or your warranty plan) and had statements attributing to the factory service expiring on the vehcile but does not list your vehicle information, not even make of vehicle.

Once I called, I was asked for my vehcile information and found it strange that they did not have any vehicle information what so ever. I was immediately given the speil about the importance of vehicle coverage and the cost of the plan, which was the $800 plan, with 12 monthly installments with a down payment on my credit card, and they immediately asked me for my credit card information.

I refused and knew I was not gonna buy anything from them, but played along as they switched operators, saying they were managers (harder sales agents) because the more I refused they kept changing agents, lowering the downpayment and the cost of the warranty plan, and like clockwork from a script kept asking for my credit card info.

The best bit was when I stated I was in the military, and they said they had a military special to give me half off the cost of the entire warranty, and that my downpayment would only be $359. I refused and I was indignantly asked why I refused, and when I told them they need a better script and not be so pushy to get people's credit card numbers they hung up.

This company needs to get sacked, seriously. I normally wouldn't have reported an incident like this chalking it up to buyer beware, but they were so shady and pushy I know they are getting over on many people and robbing folks of their money for a much needed service. The car company fiasco has a lot of people trying anything they can to keep their cars running as long as possible and GM vehciles especially make for many worries to consumers. Plkus that military pitch was over the top.

As for the rebuttal about other warranty products, its best they help get rid of this company if they want to do business because unless I talk to a dealer face to face and pay the cost I would not buy one and tell others not to buy one from anyplace else.

Company: Dealer Preferred Warranties, DPW Or Gold Key Warranty Aka Automobile Consumer Service Corp. Aka
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: St Louis
Address: unk
Phone: 8663643336
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Dealer Preferred Warranties, DPW Or Gold Key Warranty Aka Automobile Consumer Service Corp. Aka
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