Auto Seller Network
Autosellernetwork auto seller network inc. They have mastered the art of ripping off people

Cars & Transport

I received quite a few phone call from Auto Seller Network about 2 months ago for my carthat I am selling. I kept on ignoring the phone calls until a time came when i was in dire need of the money that I am going to get after selling my car. So, one day i patiently listened to what they had to say. The person I talked to told me that he is one of the managers, he has 3/4 buyers who has shown extreme interest on similar car that I am trying to sell. He also claimed that here have been over 200searches on my vehicle and it is high demand as they do not have anylisted. So, if I list my vehicle on their website, for sure the vehicle will be sold in 2 days, if not with in a week guaranteed.

He also said that they make money by giving buyes loan for buying the car and they take care everything for you. Listing the vehicle, dealing with the customers, etc. That they arelisted with the BBB and the are a credible company. They also they will send a certified check as soon as buyer get their loan approved. He suggested me to only hand over the vehicle after the check is chased and i get the money in my hand. Moreover, he wanted to list the vehicle $1000 more than what was listed in my original add.

Still i had quite a few doubts. So, i told them to call me the next day. At the mean time i search on the internet AutoSellerNetwork. I found out some news articles which proved that they are BBB credible company. But for some reason these or fraud or scam information did not show up on my search. Anyhow I was satisfied.

The next day Autosellernetwork called again. He said that he is the regional manager and he can drop the price to $299.99 plus the seller protection package which is $74.99 which ensures money back gurantee if the vehicle was not sold within 90 days of the listing. So, I agreed. He promised me that he is going to call me again the next morning and will go through the details of the listing and other policies. Anyhow, with tax i paid $314.99 for the listing and $78.75 for the seller protection from by credit card to ReadyPay ServicesThis is a third party company that takes care of their payment.

The next day no phone call. The day after i tried to call them... Kept on going to the answering machine. The car was listed on their website but all the info was wrong. Anyways, after few days attempt, I got a call back from the customer service saying. She said that I am responsible for everything like keepting the vehicle info upto date and positing the pics. Then she gave me the password to edit the listing. Note that it was almost a week when i got the password.

Since then I never received a single call from them or from any customer.

Weeks passed away like this. As I was already in debt up till by neck, I was growing impatient and started searching on the internet about autosellernetwork. And found all these rip off/fraud/scam reports about them.

I looked at their policies on the website and found out that I had to submit the seller protection package within 7 days of listing otherwise the seller protection plan becomes invalide. Not a single time they mentioned this clause. Moreover, if you look at their policy ( Cfm) you will be amazed. They have the right to deny seller protection plan at anytime without any obligation. I was fool enough to check all the links except this link before i purchased their services. This link is very carefully hidden bottom right hand corner of the website with the title refund. So, normally no one will click this link unless they would request for a refund. And in their FAQ they did not mentions about any time limits of sumbitting the refund forms.

Anyways... I am quite amazed that i was so careful still i fell in their traps just because i need some quick money in a short period of time and i got ripped off for being a little greedy.

I have 1 more month left before the 90 day period expires and I already know that i am not going to get any money back as i did not submit the form within 7 days of listing. I tried to put the name autosellernetwork as much as possible so that next time anyone serach this name. They will see these consumer complaintss high up on the search results and they would be wise enough to avoid thier calls.

I am going to submit a complain on BBB website but i don't thing it is going to change any thing.

I wish i could do something to rip-off autosellernetwork. If anyone has any suggestion on how to bring them down, please let me know. Getting the money back from them is second priority now.

Company: Auto Seller Network
Country: USA
State: Ontario
City: Richmond Hill
Phone: 41680010
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Autosellernetwork, Auto Seller Network
AUTOSELLERNETWORK, AUTOSELLERNETWORK, AUTO SELLER NETWORK say they will sell your car and help you find a car but after they get your money you never hear from them again

Auto Seller Network
They will take your money and you will never hear from them again

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