AutoMarketing Systems, Longwood Industries, Longwood Autos
Internet Fraud - Rude after you sign up

Cars & Transport

I own a car that I needed to sell. The sales people from Longwood Industireis kept calling me to tell me that they had people who whated to buy my care and if I would only sign up with them for $199.00 I could sell my car in a week! After around 10 calls from them I finally signed up becasue they said that there were buyers who wanted to see my car that weekend.

Well guess what? - the weekend came and went - no calls. It has been 2 months now - no calls. I have called Longwood Industries several times to ask what happend to all those buyers who were going to wait to buy my car. They went from friendly to rude.

The stated that they cant make people call me and I would just have to wait. When I ask to speak to a supervisor to find out what happned to all those customers, they refuse to let me talk with anyone. It is a scam The company guarantees to sell your car in 3 months so you will sign up then they quickly changer their tune.

Company: AutoMarketing Systems, Longwood Industries, Longwood Autos
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Bedford
Phone: 8663260949
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