Automotive Warranty Protection Services / AWPS /
This company is a SCAM! I worked for them just to get the info for you!

Cars & Transport

This so called "company" sells extended warranties on vehicles new or old, they really don't care. This is not the first report on them and it will not be the last. I heard about this company from a friend who worked there at the time. I needed a job and wanted to see what it was about. I heard that these places were scams and I had figured it was just one of those things you can easily get a bad rap for the little things. NOPE! I was so very wrong!

This place is the epitomy of scams! They prey on elderly and the young just like wild animals! It is horrible! I worked for this company for 4 months and I could not go home and sleep most nights because of the terrible things I had to say and lie about to these poor people whom I did not know. It made me feel sick! It still makes me sick.

They will call you and tell you that your warrranty has expired and they are going to offer you such a great deal! Hang up!!! Sure they're cheap for what they are but the BEST thing about them is... You never get your claim paid! I actually had one of the reps from the policy holder tell me he will NEVER pay out on a claim! They make it their top priority to make money!

They have no interest in the actual reality of these peoples issues. They do not want to help you! They will take your money and run! We had scripts that we read off of and if someone challenged our little puns we put you on hold and gave you to the girl next to us claiming she was a manager. You will never speak with management because they are never there or they are on the phone with their bf/gf outside smoking and dont have time for you!

The people who work in customer service constantlyu talk about how sick they feel working for this hellish place. It takes a toll on you. The managers talk at you like you are worthless. It is a horrid place! Please do not let these people get in your head! They are horrible and you will lose all your money to them! There is another reporet on here that describes in detail the "procedures" they use to get at you. Please read it! I just felt the need to let everyone know how bad it really is. Check out the BBB under Warranty protection services / National dealer warranty (sister company).

Company: Automotive Warranty Protection Services / AWPS /
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: St. Peters
Address: 339 Mid Rivers Mall Dr
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