Same old song and dance

Cars & Transport

Celedon has falsified DAC reports and placed information illegally on my DAC.

Attempts to correct this are met with uncooperative and vulgar people who do not care that they are breaking the law. Expect no cooperation whatsoever from the safety/records department. If you wish to hire on with these people, I suggest you take great care to verify their clams, by speaking to the drivers that have worked or do work for this deranged outfit.

These company departments cannot get the information they do have correct on whatever they may have on your work record or DAC. They ignore records on file concerning the business at hand, and claim that it is the drivers fault that they have misplaced repair reports and police reports as well as letters from your lawyers sent to them and in their own files.

Expect no courtesy returned for that given to them in doing your best to correct or reaserch the facts involving your records.

So much for their "Stright Talk" claims. I'm taking them to court the first opportunity.

Company: Celadon
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Indianapolis
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Complete Investigative Services
Ripoff, do not purchase from them! They tell you you have unlimited access to all reports all you get is info you can find anywhere!

Software Doctor Inc
No public record search results

American Safety Council
Poor quality control and nonexistent customer service - Drivers Education-Online

Public Records Pro
Publicrecordspro.com Public Record Pro a big Ripoff

Refuses to correct wrong information in credit report Chete

Lying about miles. We have no freight

Incorrect DAC Information

All Auto Insurance Company
Ripoff customers by charging high auto rates base on their credit reports and not by how safe and good driving records they have

Peoplesearch.com - Gov. Records.com
I looked up this site here, no reports. WTF? Disabled, where's lawyers/police 2 help?

Covenant Transport
Kevin blizzard another big CO. Sweatshop 4 drivers