Nuvell National Auto Finace Co
Nu big time rip off with customers money

Cars & Transport

2 yrs ago i was told i had cancer, nuvell said they could extend 2 payments for me but would cost me $100.00 i told them i didnt have it they said they would over ride the charge, well they didnt it is now 348.59. I went to their site to make a payment i could not get in so i went on line with my bank and request that the payment of of 633.87 be taken out on the 4th wed of each month which ahs been done now for over a yr. On june 16 i get a phone call saying they hadnt rec'd the payment for may. I look at my bank statemnet and it was sent told them that it had been sent, then they tried to tell me i am a month behind, well if i am a month behind some one took the money as it was taken out of my account and went to them. Since then they have called me 3 different times a day and allways some one different. And want to argue with me. I am getting chemo and dont feel like argueing. I can't find a fax # or e-mail adrees to them to send my evdenice that i have paid them. How many other customers is there they are stealing from to bail themsevls out???

Company: Nuvell National Auto Finace Co
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
Address: PO BOX 2365
Phone: 8003503561
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