General Motors
(GM) Corporate Criminals & Corporate Greed! Turns Back On Workers & Retirees GM is part of the corporate scam and is no different than the banking skum and politicians that are all getting paid off!

Cars & Transport

GM is now going back on their word after thousands have given their lives to sweat in factories that were not fit for humans to work in. Oil soaked floors, chemicals, iron dust, welding dust, temperatures that were unbearable, long exhausting hours and all for the promise of a secure retirement. This is a message to all of those who have made comments about the so called "lavish" retirement packages the big three offer? Well anyone of you had the same opportunity to go stand in line and fill out an application! The problem is is that all of you didnt have the balls to go work in a factory and looked down of those of us that did! The same people who have spewed the words, factory rat, shop rat, etc... Are now simply "jealous" of our retirement packages that we all EARNED! Unlike the corporate criminals of AIG, the corrupt politicians, and the skum banking executives who get 100's of millions in bonus money and retire super rich, we who have worked on the floor at GM, Ford & Chrystler are looked at as getting "too much" for our years of REAL labor. I welcome any of you nay sayers to get off your ass and go get a job were there is NO air conditioning and the floors are drenched with oil and when its 95 degrees in the summer its 105 in the shop! Anyone up for it? I doubt it. Now GM is turning their backs on their workers who dedicated their lives to GM. They opened up our contract 3 times since settling it three years ago and have taken more away! The AIG skums who ripped us all off are getting billions were all allowed to get their multi million dollars bonus's with bailout money because they said they had a contract? Well so did the people that work for GM but they still opened it and took more away! Are politicians are corrupt and so are all corporations and even Lee Iaccoca the former CEO of Chrysler even called them all corporate gangsters! Now GM is taking away retirees vision and dental! Whats next? When we all signed up for GM they told us what they would give us if we give away our lives to them and now they are changing their stories while executives continue to make record paydays. Its all business as usual with GM. Hiring incompetent CEO's who run the company into the ground and treat their workers like dirt. Even the workers who took pride in their company by purchasing GM stock have lost it all! I know people who owned $500,000 of GM stock who are workers and NOT upper management who are all now broke! Thanks GM for taking part in the scam. There is also rumors of how GM is now thinking of taking away retirement payments from workers? More corruption more scams. Maybe GM should offer a to pay them enough to buy them out? They do it for the incompetent executives so why not workers. We were all lied to and betrayed by GM and now the hiring ($14.00 an hour) wage is turned back 25 years but the exec pay continues to rise. GM is now a part of creating a slave nation. My family and friends always were very loyal to GM but we have all now vowed to do what GM has done to the their employees and that is to NEVER BUY GM again! We will now buy Ford or something foreign. At least FORD is not corrupt and ripping off their employees! DONT BUY GM AS WHO WOULD WANT TO BUY FROM A COMPANY THAT HAS FILED FOR BANKRUPTCY? We as Americans need to start standing up for ourselves and start to boycott companies like GM. America has changed and those in power and those who control the economy get richer and those of us who work hard keep getting screwed! Stand up and fight for yourself and your family and say NO TO GM!

Company: General Motors
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Detroit
Address: 100 Renissance Center
Phone: 8004628782
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