Deco Star, Decoma International, Magna International
Terminated Me for My U.S. Constitution Beliefs, Was not allowed to wear Biker T-shirts, or any writing, but illegal employees could wear their church t-shirts

Cars & Transport

In the beginning of January I was terminated from Decostar Industries/Decoma/Magna, because I Obided by the U.S. Constitution.

This company is based out of Germany, Canada, and here in some U.S. Cities, and States.

I was informed that I could not wear anything with writing nor Biker T-shirts, Rock T-shirts unless they approved of it, While the company used double standards and let all illegals wear what they wanted, when they wanted while I was still a newbie, and they would not provide me with a uniform because I was not considered a permanent employee.

After Management repeatedly coerced me and tried to blame me for other things as well, they told me to go home because they did'nt have the Ba*s to tell me to my face that I was being let go, The Personnel Manager called me a week and a half later to tell me that I was terminated and that I would be recieving a letter from them so that I may collect Unemployment Benefits.

When I asked the Manager if they wanted their work i.D. Back, he told me to throw it away. I did'nt I still have it for proof.

When I recieved the unemployment benefits form, I went to (DOL) Department of Labor to file the proper paper work and begin collecting unemployment benefits since I had nearly worked almost a year for the company.

After I entered/punched in my S.S.# the lady at the desk looked at me and told me I was not entitled to any benefits whatsoever because I did'nt earn enough wages. I then asked the lady at the desk what are the minimal requirements to file for unemployment benefits for working for any employer in the state of Georgia? She answered, A minimal over 6 months and a day and or over $6,000. Oo in Gross Pay.

I then asked the lady at DOL as to why I was being denied benefits when I had almost a year at the company, and that I had grossed well over $19 Grand in less than 7 months? To which I showed her my pay stubs for Proof so they would not say I was Lying.

She swallowed her saliva, looked at me in Fear, and said, we only do what the Prospective Empoyers tell us to do, and they say you are not entitled to a Penny. At that point I turned around and all I saw was illegals standing behind me to collect benefits, where I was being denied, DOL asked me to leave because I was pissed off.

I called the company, and have tired to claim benefits till this day, but they deny me repeatedly. They must have put me on a BlackList? Because no one won't hire me.

Why give a person you just crucified a piece of paper stating they can claim benefits, when you are just playing head games with their livelyhood?

This Companies employees 2/3 of all 3 shifts are illegal, this company knowingly hires them. I Guess they have a Goverment contract to screw the American Citizens? They Pay the illegals better as far as $15/hr, and pay Americans lower than $10/hr.

I actually overheard My StupidVisor talking with illegals on taking a 3 month vacation to go back to their countries because they did'nt want to go to jail.
And for 3 months they would disappear in groups and show the 4th month telling all the Americans that they were on vacation. Yet the American citizens could not in any way take over 1 week vacation per year.

This StupidVisor was looked at by the illegals as he was a King to them, the reason for that is that he was the one that was illegaly bringing them into the United States of America. (This same stupidvisor called a meeting with me, and personally stated to me that his sister was an Officer). I asked him after he threatened me which of course we had no witnesses if he would take responiblity for his Sister loosing her job as A Georgia State Trooper, because of his Stupidity? He told me to get the Hell out of his Office.

When I Reported this Company To a couple of Agencies, They contacted Management, Managements Attention being that half the Staff is illegal, they told me to mind my own business. I told Management as long as their Company stood on American Soil, it was my Business! And I had the Legal right to know why I was being coerced by these illegals, and Management? Since I Am a Law Obiding Citizen, and I pay taxes, and I follow All the Laws, How could they bend the Law? No one is above the Law, Not You, Not I, No One! They told me to go back to work.

Next day personnel Manager called me in his office, my stupidvisor was there, and a couple of others, I asked for a witness, which they denied of course, and they asked me to sign some papers which of course, I picked up and started reading, to which Mr. Personnel Manager slammed him hand down on the desk, to see if he would get a reaction out of Me.

So Mr. Manager then tells me, because I'm a Whitey even though I'm of European Decent, because I am White, I am automatically Guilty of anything they want to accuse me of, and in case that I had forgotten that this is the State of Georgia, and No Employer in Georgia has to give an explantion to me or the DOL, because this is a "Right To Work State". I should do as they say, and not as they do, If I value My Job, and that If I did'nt like the rules of Georgia, I had the right to move back to New York State, and that I should of Never come to Georgia.

Nice, So they turned this into a personal Matter, to which I gave my two cents;

Let's just say that this Biker pissed them OFF to Hell and Back, and Promised them that they would be loosing business not just in the U.S. But in Europe as well.

I'm glad to say that their stock fell, 80% in less than 2 weeks time.

I have'nt taken any further action, because they are not worth my time, and they will Burn themselves in Due Time.

Illegal, Corrupt Employers usually burn their own bridges, because they tend to mess up really bad, just like the dumbest criminals on TV.

Have a Nice Day All,

And if you still work for this Company it's like the same mentality that walmart has, as well as the same illegal work ethics.

Company: Deco Star, Decoma International, Magna International
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Carrollton
Address: 1 Decoma Drive
Phone: 7708308775
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