Allstate Insurance Company
(Crooks & Thieves Of The Worst Kind!) Allstate Insurance - Rip-OFF!

Cars & Transport

I was involved in an accident (April 21) with an Allstate Insured Driver (AID). The AID was pulling out from a private driveway and pulled out in front of me - taking my right of way - after I had just made a right turn from a complete stop at an intersection 25 yards away. I attempted to go around the front of his vehicle - to avoid t-boning him, but the AID continued forward. I caught the front left corner of his Yukon with my Baja's right front.

We both moved our cars out of the street and the AID came up to me, apologized for the accident and admitted that he was in the road and was trying to back up to get out of my way. His fault by admission - Right? Apparently not. The man's word wasn't worth *. Mr D - How do you sleep at night?

Later when the AID spoke to Allstate Insurance, he stated that he "thought" that I was speeding. Now Allstate apparently is accepting his word as Gospel truth. They state that I was indeed speeding - with no proof, just a bad driver's word. I have tried repeatedly to get my car over the speed limit in the 25 yards from the corner - and can not do it. My question to Mr D. Is this: "How do you know I was speeding when the closest speed limit sign is half-a-mile up the road - around several curves?"

The local police department has stated that it does not matter what speed I was going - He (AID) pulled out into my right-of-way and caused the accident.

Allstate's estimator estimated my damage at about $2500 from what they could see. Then Allstate offered to only cover 70% of the cost of repairs - which will end up being well over my deductible - and they know it. Plus that does not cover any damages they might find when they start ripping into the Baja.

Allstate's game is to put you in a position where it will be more expensive to go through them for the repairs - less of an impact on your wallet to have your own insurance company pay for the repairs. My insurance company claims that they will be able to get my deductible back - but we shall see about that!

So the moral to this story is - If you are an Allstate customer - Just claim that the other driver was speeding. Which is apparently automatically believed by the lying, scamming, and cheating Allstate personnel.

And I have never talked to less caring, non-attentive persons than when I was speaking to the Allstate personnel. "L" in San Antonio, acted like she was watching television while I was talking to her - on more than one occasion. I wonder how "L" in San Antonio sleeps at night, knowing what she is doing to innocent drivers who happen to be run over by her customers.

Again - I must say that I am glad to not be insured by a scamming, corrupt company such as Allstate Insurance. I have GEICO - much better service and assistance - consistently over many, many years!

Company: Allstate Insurance Company
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Roanoke
Address: 1819 Electric Rd. S. W
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