Seawest Financial
Ripoff deceptive company, fraudulent ripoff business, false promises, screwed MANY others too, the business that doesnt give a damn

Cars & Transport

Wow... I can not believe how many people other then myself that have or had major problems with this peice of shit company. Why in the world are they still around and able to rip people off.

My story goes as follows. I was new to the town of Norfolk, Va fresh outta boot camp with the Navy. Went and bought a 95 Nissan Truck from a shady dealer and signed up with Seawest. Thought things where going great until I received a balance statement it turns out this car that wasn't worth more then maybe (I'm talking maybe $5000.00) was going to end up costing me close to $38,000 with intrest and whatever.

So I kept paying them every other week out of my Navy pay like $210.00... This when on for two years until I dislocated my kneecap (which is a whole different story). I was discharged with nothing really and was attempting to make a living in Norfolk, Va I was making payments on the truck but it was getting more difficult without the free room and food the Navy provided for me not to mention I have knee problems.

So they would call me and give me a little time and then I would find out they where calling my parents in Illinois and where threatening my parents with legal action... THEY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH MY DAMN TRUCK!

So now I'm back in my hometown of Waukegan, IL trying really hard to keep making payments on this truck... Trying to find a job so I could stay out of trouble with the company. Well neddless to say they where not willing to hear my pleas they just wanted their money... If I had to sell my kidney that was okay as long as they go their green backs. They sent me a notice that my truck was going to be REPOED and it was... But here's the thing it was put up at auction and I was called by Seawest and told my account was cleared... I was even.

Now TWO YEARS LATER I attempting to move into a beautiful Apartment Commmunity and they had to check my credit and guess whos on there? SEAWEST... They claim I still owe $4,420. And now I might not be able to move in to this apartment... I going to attempt to call them tomorrow and fix thins I will let you all know what happens.

Oh and to whom ever runs this joint I'd like to say thanks... Keep up the good work. Oh and call some of you lawyer friends... Seawest has to go down... They are ripping off the people that defend this great land of ours! Those un-american rat bastards!!!

Company: Seawest Financial
Country: USA
State: California
City: Paramount
Address: PO Box 197
Phone: 5626348813
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