Capital One Auto Finance
Worst Company Eve

Cars & Transport

Capital One Auto Finance as turned out to be the worst company I've ever dealt with. My scheduled payment is $381.56 per month, yet every month they send me a payment coupon that says my payment is $81.56. Now that would be nice if were true, but the contractual obligation is for $381.56. Really, no big deal, I continued to make the correct payment and just disregarded the coupon book. I attempted to log into the website to make my April payment and was unable to log in. Which forced me to call customer service.

First I reached and English speaking representative. Explained that I would like my internet access reset and advised them of the issue with the payment coupon. She advised me that I had gotten ahead on my payment and must not have realized when I over paid my account. I advised her that was not possible, that I make one payment, the same payment every month. I then asked her what payment she was showing on the account. $381.56 was her response. Okay we both agree that the higher payment is due on the account. I'm simply asking for a corrected payment coupon. She advised he she was going to put me on hold to look into and low and behold, what does she do. Disconnect me. I call back and start the entire conversation with a rep from India. Only this time, she totally doesn't understand the issue and says that she is going to send me another payment coupon. Okay, what good does it do to seen me another payment coupon when I'm asking for a corrected coupon. She then attempts to reset my internet access and frankly it was the most frustrating process I've ever been through.

After fighting for her for over an hour I was finally able to get my internet access fix. Good enough. I'll just continue to make the correct payment. Yesterday, I get a call AT WORK, from another Indian rep advising me that they have applied another client's $150.00 payment to my account and are going to remove it. Okay first off, why in the world would this warrant a call to me on my job? Just give the client back their money. After ripping her new one for calling me on my job I started looking around to refinance this vehicle. I secured financing with another company with a better interest rate, so you would think this would be the end of it. But no, the situation gets better. I logged into their website to double check the payoff they provided yesterday, and now the payoff is $500.00 higher than it was yesterday. After reviewing the online transaction history I discovered, not only did they reverse the payment that they applied to may account in error, the only reversed my April payment.

Again I call customer service and speak with India the song and dance that there is no issue. I have to hang up and call like 15 time to get an English speaking rep. Who confirms that they did exactly what I'm saying of reversed my April payment in error and they will get it fixed. Great, what's the payoff so I can go ahead and refinance the vehicle? They cannot tell me! At this point I'm ripping angry. They have totally screwed up this account and cannot even give me a payoff. I screamed and yelled and still nope, cannot or will not give me a payoff. So, we ended up going with the payoff that they gave the new finance company yesterday even though it wrong just to get the account move. Whatever difference ends up between the new finance company and Capital one, I would gladly pay to be rid of them.
This really, has got to be the worst company that I've ever dealt with. Their blank check program just isn't worth it. The good news is that we I refinanced my vehicle I was able to finance enough to move the vehicle loan and to receive extra to pay off my Capital One Credit Card. Save yourself the hassle of Capital One, they totally suck.

Company: Capital One Auto Finance
Country: USA
State: California
City: Long Branch
Address: P.O. Box 90809
Phone: 8009460332
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