Ford Motor Company
Imprpoer and Unethical Business Practices

Cars & Transport

The Ford motor company is in such dire straits that it is willingly sacrificing current customers to save itself. I own a Ford F-150 King Ranch "top of the line" vehicle and am embarrased by it.

There are so many problems with the vehicle and with each one the local area dealerships reply is "cannot duplicate". My trust in the vehicle being reliable and the company being honest is gone. I am certain that the universal approach by Ford Service is to deny problems exist until after warranties have expired. Ford is creating a better profit center by ignoring its customers needs - how long will that last...

The more research I do on the company the more I am aware that I MUST QUICKLY get rid of this vehicle. My loathing for this company is shared by so many other owners that it's frightning. The vast majority of late model Ford Vehicle owners don't have confidence in their vehicles and absolutely hate their dealerships and the company as a whole.

I'm absolutely amazed that there are not multiple class action suits currently in place against the Ford Motor Company - something must be wrong or consumer protection is gone.

My bottom line is that Ford should not be given monies in view of their incompetence as an operation, their significantly faulty products and purposeful unwillingness to stand behind their products and support the owners of their vehicles.

In the real world of competition, the good survive and the weak perish. I firmly believe that Ford should be allowed to evaporate, which is surely the course thay are on currently. Why provide bailout money so that they can continue their financial harm to vehicle owners - doesn't make sense.!

Company: Ford Motor Company
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Daerborn
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