Axix bank credit card
Communication with AXIS bank credit card dept all in vain

Cars & Transport

Dear Mr. Mittal,

This Really Is with regards to your mail dated November 26 to customer. regarding elimination of loan from savings bank account.

We apologize for that wait in reacting and trouble caused for you.

We desire to make sure, we've obtained your cost of Rs. 5,674.40/- on November 26 for the creditcard bill.

More, there's no exceptional due in your charge card bill as on day.

We have to let you know that, we've eliminated the loan from your own savings bank account.

We're sorry to see you that the Axis Lender charge card continues to be completely plugged (terminated).

Should you desire to make use of Axis Bank Credit card, we'd obtain one to reapply for brand new credit card.

You will see your Axis Bank Charge Card claims online at or click Aspx

When you go to the site, there's a link about the left-side of one's web site under quick-access as "Charge Card Declaration". While you click this link, you'll need to supply the following data to see your claims online:


Cardholder Name (Title showing on Charge Card) Day of Delivery (dd-mm-yyyy) Card Truth Day (MM-YY)

For just about any further caution, do create to us or ask our 24 Hour Customer Solutions help-line (022-25261201/18604258888 (BSNL or MTNL landlines), we are happy to work with you.


Customer Service Table

AXIS Lender - Charge Card Middle

Cs 123

"Axis Lender provides Gift-Card - a card you are able to give your near types this festive period. For additional information click

Http:// or create back again to us.

Original Concept


Sent: 26-Nov 15:32: 56

To: customer.

Subject: RE: cs 112 Re: RE: cs 120 Re: RE: CS 123 Re: FW: Criticism - 4718610100619718


This levels you component that you simply have taken the total amount from my banking account Rs. 5600. And that means you have just repaid 2000 Rs

This isn't at-all appropriate while you have to take away the fund costs additionally when I have voiced for your customer service many and requested them to get rid of the costs then I'll request the remainder cost of Rs 1777. Whenever they stated they'll do this

This isn't reasonable as whatsoever. When I will have to strategy bank regulatory specialists


Original Message

From: Customer Services [mailto: customer.]

Delivered: Tuesday, November 25 7:54 AM

To: Ankit Mittal (Accenture)

Topic: cs 112 Re: RE: cs 120 Re: RE: CS 123 Re: FW: Criticism - 4718 6101 0061 9718 [REF: 143905017120]

Dear Mr. Mittal,

This Really Is with regards to your email dated November 21 to customer. regarding elimination of lein.

We apologize for that wait in reacting and trouble caused for you.

We desire to let you know that, we've submitted the request change recently fee and money interest costs assessed in your charge card bill (susceptible to authorization).

We ask one to generously permit us 2 business days.

Your co operation within the meantime is extremely valued.

Article change of costs, we obtain one to create us or contact us on our customer support helpline number for that elimination of lein from your own saving account.

You will see your Axis Bank Charge Card email claims online at or click Aspx

When you go to the site, there's a link about the left-side of one's web site under quick-access as "Charge Card Declaration". Whenever you click this link, you'll need to supply the following data to see your e-declaration online:


Cardholder Name (Title showing on Charge Card) Day of Delivery (dd-mm-yyyy) Card Truth Day (MM-YY)

For just about any further help or clarifications, please write-in to us or contact us on our 24 hour customer support help-line figures [18604258888 (From BSNL or MTNL landlines) / 022-25261201].


Customer Support Table

AXIS Lender - Creditcard Middle

Cs 112

"Axis Lender provides Gift-Card - a card you are able to give your near types this festive period.

For additional information click or create back again to us.

Original Concept


Sent: 21-Nov 16:59: 35

To: customer.

Subject: RE: cs 120 Re: RE: CS 123 Re: FW: Criticism - 4718 6101 0061 9718


Are you able to please supply Any update concerning the just like once the loan is likely to be taken off my consideration



Original Message

From: Customer Services [mailto: customer.]

Delivered: Tuesday, November 18 8:17 AM

To: Ankit Mittal (Accenture)

Topic: cs 120 Re: RE: CS 123 Re: FW: Criticism - 4718 6101 0061 9718 [REF: 140938024722]

Dear Mr. Mittal,

This Really Is with regards to your email dated November 17 to customer. regarding loan elimination and payment verification.

We regret the trouble caused within this respect.

This Can Be to verify that, we've obtained the cost of Rs. 1,777/- on November 15 for the creditcard bill.

We're very happy to let you know that, we've corrected the joining charge and yearly charge of Rs. 1685.40 (Including support tax) accessed in your charge card bill for your month of January and late-payment costs of Rs. 561.80 (Including support tax) accessed in your charge card bill for your month of April and Could 2008. The change may replicate within the following declaration.

More, we've submitted the request change recently fee and money interest costs assessed in your charge card bill (susceptible to acceptance) and also the same is under procedure.

We ask one to generously permit us 02 business days to verify the position.

Article change, we are able to forward the request elimination of loan from your own Savings Bank account.

You will see your Axis Bank Charge Card claims online at or click Aspx

When you go to the site, there's a link about the left-side of one's web site under quick-access as "Charge Card Declaration". Whenever you click this link, you'll need to supply the following data to see your claims online:


Cardholder Name (Title showing on Charge Card) Day of Delivery (dd-mm-yyyy) Card Truth Day (MM-YY)

For just about any further help or clarifications, please write-in to us or contact us on our 24 hour customer support help-line figures [18604258888 (From BSNL or MTNL landlines) / 022-25261201].


Customer Support Table

AXIS Lender - Creditcard

Cs 120

Axis Lender provides Gift-Card - a card you are able to give your near people this festive season.

For additional information click or create back again to us.

Original Concept


Sent: 17-Nov 10:20: 26

To: customer.

Subject: RE: CS 123 Re: FW: Criticism - 4718 6101 0061 9718


Are you able to please offer an update with this ASAP.



Original Message

From: Ankit Mittal (Accenture)

Delivered: Wednesday, November 12-11:54 PM

To: 'customer.'

Subject: RE: CS 123 Re: FW: Criticism - 4718 6101 0061 9718 [REF: 139176611509]


I've created the cost nowadays through online Credit move for Rs. 1778. Please take away the loan from my account ASAP because it is my Accenture income account and that I require the blocked cash really quickly



Original Message

From: Customer Services [mailto: customer.]

Delivered: Wednesday, November 12-10:22 AM

To: Ankit Mittal (Accenture)

Topic: CS 123 Re: FW: Criticism - 4718 6101 0061 9718 [REF: 139176611509]

Dear Mr. Mittal,

This Really Is with regards to your mail dated November 12 to customer. regarding elimination of loan from savings bank account.

We apologize for that inconvenience caused.

We have to let you know that, two purchases hasbeen completed in your charge card bill for your quantity of Rs. 800.00 and Rs. 50,476.86 at CITY SNEAKERS, AMBALA and HOMES ON ATLANTA, VANCOUVER on April 25 and Could 05 respectively.

The sum total purchase quantity amounts upto Rs. 51276.86/- out-of which, we've obtained the cost of Rs. 49,500/- on June 06.

We ask one to create the rest of the cost of Rs. 1776.86/-

We desire to let you know that, we've submitted the demand to change joining, yearly costs and associate monetary costs assessed in your charge card bill and also the same is under procedure (susceptible to authorization).

We'd ask one to generously permit us 2 business days.

Article delivery of one's cost and change of the monetary costs we shall forward the demand to get rid of the loan from your own savings bank account.

We're sorry to see you that the Axis Lender charge card continues to be completely plugged (terminated).

Should you desire to make use of Axis Bank Credit card, we'd obtain one to reapply for brand new credit card.

You will see your Axis Bank Charge Card claims online at or click Aspx

When you go to the site, there's a link about the left-side of one's web site under quick-access as "Charge Card Declaration". While you click this link, you'll need to supply the following data to see your claims online:


Cardholder Name (Title showing on Charge Card) Day of Delivery (dd-mm-yyyy) Card Truth Day (MM-YY)

For just about any further caution, do create to us or ask our 24 Hour Customer Solutions help-line (022-25261201/18604258888 (BSNL or MTNL landlines), we are happy to work with you.


Customer Service Table

AXIS Lender - Charge Card Middle

Cs 123

"Axis Lender provides Gift-Card - a card you are able to give your near types this festive period. For additional information click

Http:// or create back again to us.

Original Concept


Sent: 12-Nov 5:48: 02

To: customer.

Cc: p.; rajendra.;;

Subject: FW: Criticism - 4718610100619718


Please see-the below email I've not got any return with this aswell.

And today the worse has occurred for me personally. You've set a loan on my income consideration. Please eliminate this loan when I require the cash really quickly. Please settke this card otherwise I'll have to consider appropriate motion when I haven't authorized on any request form to use for that card also the title about the card was diverse in regards to what can there be in my own consideration



From: Ankit Mittal (Accenture)

Delivered: Friday, August 08-9:40 PM

To: ''

Subject: Criticism - 4718 6101 0061 9718


I'm having A - axis charge card no 4718 6101 0061 9718. I never requested this card or did I closed any form. An individual from Axis lender named me and stated you'll be obtaining a axis bank card that will be free for lifetime card.

After I received this card there is a list that u there's some yearly costs with this those days I acquired a phone from Mumbai confirming whether u have obtained the card, I established from that woman regarding yearly fees and he or she claimed no-you don't need to spend any costs.

Then I acquired the declaration by which there they've set costs which they've set late-payment costs likewise.

I've previously taken care of the total amount I've utilized.

I've talked twice to phone-banking people. Once on 22nd july and requested to shut the card, that has nevertheless not been completed that we established today.

Also the individual I talked today slice the telephone without me finishing the items.

Please ensure!

Ankit Mittal



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Info included and sent by this EMAIL including any connection is amazing to Axis Bank Ltd and it is meant exclusively for that addressee/s, and could include data that's fortunate, private or exempt from disclosure under applicable legislation. Use of this email and/or even to the connection by other people is unauthorized. If this can be a sent information, this content and also the opinions expressed within this EMAIL might not reveal those of the Financial Institution. If you should be not the intended recipient, a realtor of the intended recipient or perhaps a person accountable for providing the info towards the named recipient, you're informed that any use, submission, indication, publishing, burning or dissemination of the info by any means or in virtually any method is strictly forbidden.

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Info included and sent by this EMAIL including any connection is amazing to Axis Bank Ltd and it is meant exclusively for that addressee/s, and could include data that's fortunate, private or exempt from disclosure under applicable legislation. Use of this email and/or even to the connection by other people is unauthorized. If this can be a sent information, this content and also the opinions expressed within this EMAIL might not reveal those of the Financial Institution. If you should be not the intended recipient, a realtor of the intended recipient or perhaps a person accountable for providing the info towards the named recipient, you're informed that any use, submission, indication, publishing, burning or dissemination of the info by any means or in virtually any method is strictly forbidden.

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Info included and sent by this EMAIL including any connection is amazing to Axis Bank Ltd and it is meant exclusively for that addressee/s, and could include data that's fortunate, private or exempt from disclosure under applicable legislation. Use of this email and/or even to the connection by other people is unauthorized. If this can be a sent information, this content and also the opinions expressed within this EMAIL might not reveal those of the Financial Institution. If you should be not the intended recipient, a realtor of the intended recipient or perhaps a person accountable for providing the info towards the named recipient, you're informed that any use, submission, indication, publishing, burning or dissemination of the info by any means or in virtually any method is strictly forbidden.

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There's no promise the ethics of the conversation continues to be preserved and or is that this conversation free from infections, interceptions or disturbance

Company: Axix bank credit card
Country: USA
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