Progressive Insurance
Consumer rip-off dishonest scam artist unethical

Cars & Transport

Progressive Insurance has tried to avoid paying for damages done to my car by one of their customers for over 3 months. My car was parked in a parking lot on Oct 31 when it was hit by a Progressive Customer. My car was hit so hard that it was picked up, dragged and dropped turning the car 180 degrees and pushing it in to the car parked next to mine, which knocked that car into the next car (3rd car)-the Progressive customer then proceeded down the parking lot to hit another car (the 4th car) before coming to a stop.

Progrssive too over 10 days to accept responsibility and provide me with a rental car on Nov 11th. The car was sent for repairs, while in the shop it was abused—the shop had some staffing issues and my car was one of the vehicles to suffer. The trunk lid was taken off and the car was left outside, allowing rain to fill the trunk. The paint had to be done twice. It sat forever w/out any work being done to it for many reasons-"we are waiting for parts. We are waiting to get it on the frame machine.

The person working on your car is on vacation etc. This was a shop approved by Progressive. The shop said the car was done in early January (10th approx.) and Progressive took the car to inspect it—the car still had many problems including water still leaking in the trunk? Note the accident did not cause this leak.

Progressive sent the car to another shop to further "fix' the mess. I got the car back on Jan 29th. There are still numerous problems. The trunk is up too high. There is a transmission problem due to the car being parked during the accident which dragged the auto.

The driver door is not closing right because the body is twisted. A black substance is smeared on the interior headliner. I met w / progressive (Mark) on Monday 2/10 and gave him a detailed report of this entire story. I told him hat I was not confident that the car would ever be the same due to the severity of the accident and the negligent repair. I told him that I want Progressive to do the ethical thing by purchasing the car rather than continuing to pour money in what seems like a hopeless situation.

Mark said he would have to pass this to his boss, this was not his decision. Mark has lied to us about many areas of car repair and compesation related to insurance which we have called him on-i am not sur if he does not know any better or he is knowingly telling us incorrect information. Since Monday I have tried to contact him 3 times to let him know of several problems w / the vehicle that I neglected to tell him on Monday and he has not returned a single call, yet is in the office when I have called. My car had a retail value of $18,000 before the accident but now has a value of less than $5,000!!!

How long can they keep putting me off? I am now driving the car which I feel is not safe—who would be responsible if something happens while I am driving it now that is a result of the accident/faulty repair??? Before this I would have recommended Progressive and considered calling them for my own ins.—not now!!!

Company: Progressive Insurance
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Virginia Beach
Phone: 7576319017
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